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take Englisch

Bedeutung take Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch take?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you take an action, you do it. I took a walk with my dog. = I walked with my dog. I'm going to take a rest. = I'm going to rest. I go out after I take a shower. = I'll go out after I shower. If you take something or someone, you bring them from one place to another. I don't want this. Can you take it away, please? My son was sick, so I took him to the doctor. If mathx/math takes money, time, etc., you need to use that for mathx/math. If we go to your house, it will take one hour. That was fun, and it didn't take too much money.


A person's take is his view of something. What is your take on that recent movie? Did you enjoy it? A take is the reward or profit you get from doing something. If help you with this task, I [demand you give me part of your take. A take is part of a performance which is recorded without a break. The director was not happy with the first take, so we had to do it again.


carry out take action take steps take vengeance dauern (= occupy) require (time or space) It took three hours to get to work this morning This event occupied a very short time nehmen, tragen (= lead, conduct) take somebody somewhere We lead him to our chief can you take me to the main entrance? He conducted us to the palace nehmen, greifen get into one's hands, take physically Take a cookie! Can you take this bag, please annehmen (= assume, adopt, take on) take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect His voice took on a sad tone The story took a new turn he adopted an air of superiority She assumed strange manners The gods assume human or animal form in these fables (= read) interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression I read this address as a satire How should I take this message? You can't take credit for this! bringen, holen (= bring) take something or somebody with oneself somewhere Bring me the box from the other room Take these letters to the boss This brings me to the main point nehmen take into one's possession We are taking an orphan from Romania I'll take three salmon steaks travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route He takes the bus to work She takes Route 1 to Newark nehmen, auswählen, wählen (= choose, select, pick out) pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives Take any one of these cards Choose a good husband for your daughter She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her annehmen, abnehmen (= accept, have) receive willingly something given or offered The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter I won't have this dog in my house! Please accept my present (= occupy) assume, as of positions or roles She took the job as director of development he occupies the position of manager the young prince will soon occupy the throne (= consider) take into consideration for exemplifying purposes Take the case of China Consider the following case experience or feel or submit to Take a test Take the plunge brauchen (= ask, postulate, require, call for, demand) require as useful, just, or proper It takes nerve to do what she did success usually requires hard work This job asks a lot of patience and skill This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent entfernen (= remove, withdraw) remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract remove a threat remove a wrapper Remove the dirty dishes from the table take the gun from your pocket This machine withdraws heat from the environment filmen, drehen (= film, shoot) make a film or photograph of something take a scene shoot a movie accept or undergo, often unwillingly We took a pay cut aufnehmen (= consume, have) serve oneself to, or consume regularly Have another bowl of chicken soup! I don't take sugar in my coffee (= accept) make use of or accept for some purpose take a risk take an opportunity take by force Hitler took the Baltic Republics The army took the fort on the hill (= assume, strike, take up) occupy or take on He assumes the lotus position She took her seat on the stage We took our seats in the orchestra She took up her position behind the tree strike a pose akzeptieren, annehmen, zusagen (= accept, admit) admit into a group or community accept students for graduate study We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial take a pulse A reading was taken of the earth's tremors studieren, lernen (= read) be a student of a certain subject She is reading for the bar exam (= claim) take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs the accident claimed three lives The hard work took its toll on her be seized or affected in a specified way take sick be taken drunk (= make) head into a specified direction The escaped convict took to the hills We made for the mountains zielen (= aim, train) point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards Please don't aim at your little brother! He trained his gun on the burglar Don't train your camera on the women Take a swipe at one's opponent (= carry, pack) have with oneself; have on one's person She always takes an umbrella I always carry money She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains mieten, heuern (= rent, engage) engage for service under a term of contract We took an apartment on a quiet street Let's rent a car Shall we take a guide in Rome? buy, select I'll take a pound of that sausage to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort take shelter from the storm (= have) have sex with; archaic use He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable (= claim) lay claim to; as of an idea She took credit for the whole idea receive or obtain regularly We take the Times every day obtain by winning Winner takes all He took first prize develop a habit He took to visiting bars the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption (= get) be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness He got AIDS She came down with pneumonia She took a chill (= contain, hold) be capable of holding or containing This box won't take all the items The flask holds one gallon be designed to hold or take This surface will not take the dye fahren (= drive) proceed along in a vehicle We drive the turnpike to work (= return) the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property the average return was about 5%

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Wie konjugiert man take in Englisch?

take · Verb

Sätze take Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich take in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Maybe I'll just give up soon and take a nap instead.
Es kann sein, dass ich bald aufgebe und stattdessen ein Nickerchen mache.
It would take forever for me to explain everything.
Es würde ewig dauern, alles zu erklären.
It would take forever to explain everything.
Es würde ewig dauern, alles zu erklären.
In order to do that, you have to take risks.
Um das zu tun, musst du Risiken eingehen.
Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.
Danke, dass Sie mir letzten Endes erklärt haben, warum die Leute mich für einen Idioten halten.
It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
Das würde zu lange dauern, dir zu erklären, warum das nicht funktionieren wird.
I want a boat that will take me far away from here.
Ich wünsche mir ein Boot, das mich weit weg von hier bringt.
I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.
Ich wünsche mir ein Boot, das mich weit weg von hier bringt.
I'll take him.
Ich nehme ihn.
How long does it take to get to the station?
Wie lange braucht man bis zum Bahnhof?
I wonder how long it's going to take.
Ich frage mich, wie lange es dauern wird.
It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready.
Es wird fünf bis zehn Jahre dauern, bis die Technologie bereit ist.
Take a book and read it.
Nimm ein Buch und lies es!
Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.
Wenn man ihm den kleinen Finger gibt, so nimmt er die ganze Hand.


Suzaku-san, could you take me to one more place?
Hast du Lust, mir noch einen weiteren Ort zu zeigen?
Hurry up and take the picture!
Mach mal ein Foto davon!
Take a picture of me next! Me too!
Und jetzt bin ich clran!
I will take control of this area.
Ich werde mich nun um die Sache ktimmern.
We can't just take their word for it!
Das glaube ich nie und nimmer.
That could take several minutes or even longer.
Das kann einige Minuten dauern, vielleicht sogar länger.
The change of vision that happened in the past one hundred years, take my word for it, will happen again in the coming one hundred years.
Was in diesen hundert Jahren passiert ist, rechnen Sie darauf, im nächsten hundert Jahren wird es ganz gleich gehen.
Let me take notes.
Ich mache mir Notizen.
Take care of our wounded.
Kümmere dich um die unseren.
Take them all! - Even the women?
Nehmt alles mit!
We're dealing with religions fanatics! We have to dominate them, or they'll drive us out and the British will take our place.
Wir haben es mit Religionsfanatikern zu tun, die wir besiegen müssen, sonst vertreiben sie uns und die Engländer rücken nach.
We want to help the Arabs, to protect their language and their religion. We wish to let them run their own country and help them gradually take in the values of modern Western civilization.
Wir wollen den Arabern helfen, ihre Sprache und ihre Religion schützen, ihnen die Verwaltung überlassen und ihnen helfen, die Werte unserer Zivilisation aufzunehmen.
Take this one.
Nimm diese.
She must take a sip every 2 hours.
Sie muss alle 2 Stunden davon trinken.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

The first option would enable producers everywhere to take advantage of economies of scale.
Die erste Möglichkeit würde es Herstellern überall ermöglichen, von Skaleneffekten zu profitieren.
Even in the absence of international rules, the EU and the US could take two actions to ensure that the TTIP does not have adverse consequences for developing economies.
Aber auch in Ermangelung internationaler Regeln, könnten die EU und die USA zwei Maßnahmen ergreifen, die sicherstellen, dass das THIP keine nachteiligen Auswirkungen für Entwicklungsländer hat.
That this Arab renaissance - to use the phrase of the great Palestinian scholar George Antonius - did not take place may have been Eban's greatest disappointment.
Dass es zu dieser arabische Renaissance - um die Formulierung des bedeutenden palästinensischen Gelehrten George Antonius zu benutzen - nicht gekommen ist, dürfte Ebans größte Enttäuschung gewesen sein.
To many, myself included, NATO's enlargement to take in, among others, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania -- which were once Soviet republics -- is an impossible dream come true.
Mit der Aufnahme ehemaliger Sowjetrepubliken wie Estland, Lettland und Litauen in die NATO wird für viele, auch für mich selbst, ein Traum wahr.
If he really is as head-over-heels in love with Bruni as he claims, and plans to marry her imminently, why not take advantage of his upcoming trip to India and make this a wedding to remember?
Falls er tatsächlich derart Hals über Kopf in Bruni verliebt ist wie er behauptet und sie in Kürze heiraten will, warum nutzt er nicht seine anstehende Reise nach Indien und macht dies zu einer unvergesslichen Hochzeit?
Why, then, do the most advanced countries, in particular, take on the risk of a mega-catastrophe by seeking to create energy from radioactive fission?
Warum gehen dann aber gerade die höchst entwickelten Staaten dieses nunmehr erneut bewiesene Risiko einer nationalen Großkatastrophe ein, nur um aus radioaktivem Zerfall Strom zu erzeugen?
From here, then, all that is required to become a nuclear power are a few small technical steps and political leaders' decision to take them.
Von dort aus bedarf es dann nur noch weniger technologische Schritte und einer politischen Entscheidung der jeweiligen nationalen Führung, um den Schritt zur Nuklearmacht zu tun.
It was Japan, the high-tech country par excellence (not the latter-day Soviet Union) that proved unable to take adequate precautions to avert disaster in four reactor blocks.
Es war Japan, das Hightech-Land Nummer 1 (und eben nicht die späte Sowjetunion), das nicht in der Lage war, die nötige Vorsorge zu treffen, um eine solche Katastrophe in vier Reaktorblöcken zu verhindern.
Our intense desire to take all that we can from nature leaves precious little for other forms of life.
Unser starkes Verlangen, alles von der Natur zu nehmen, was wir bekommen können, lässt für andere Lebensformen äußerst wenig übrig.
Some can migrate, but others (such as polar bears) are likely to be driven to extinction unless we take decisive action to head off climate change.
Einige können abwandern, andere jedoch (z. B. Eisbären) sind wahrscheinlich zum Aussterben verurteilt, wenn wir nicht entschlossene Maßnahmen ergreifen, um den Klimawandel aufzuhalten.
We could all be morally better, but it is clear that this traditional approach cannot take us much further.
Wir alle könnten moralisch besser sein, aber es ist klar, dass wir mit diesem traditionellen Ansatz nicht viel weiterkommen werden.
But it is also true that although some people are eager to take pills that make them feel better or think faster, it is not so obvious that people would really want to take pills that would make them morally better.
Obwohl manche Leute darauf brennen Pillen zu nehmen, durch die sie sich besser fühlen oder schneller denken, ist es nicht so klar, dass die Leute wirklich Tabletten einnehmen wollten, die sie moralisch positiv beeinflussen.
But it is also true that although some people are eager to take pills that make them feel better or think faster, it is not so obvious that people would really want to take pills that would make them morally better.
Obwohl manche Leute darauf brennen Pillen zu nehmen, durch die sie sich besser fühlen oder schneller denken, ist es nicht so klar, dass die Leute wirklich Tabletten einnehmen wollten, die sie moralisch positiv beeinflussen.
Will we want to take them if they ever become available?
Werden wir sie nehmen wollen, wenn es sie jemals geben wird?

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