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make Englisch

Bedeutung make Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch make?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you make something, you create it. He made pancakes by combining the ingredients and frying the mixture. They made a petition to the governor. If you make your bed, you arrange it. Félix makes his bed every morning.


(= do) engage in make love, not war make an effort do research do nothing make revolution (= get) give certain properties to something get someone mad She made us look silly He made a fool of himself at the meeting Don't make this into a big deal This invention will make you a millionaire Make yourself clear (= create) make or cause to be or to become make a mess in one's office create a furor (= induce, cause, get) cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner The ads induced me to buy a VCR My children finally got me to buy a computer My wife made me buy a new sofa lassen, bringen, verursachen, auslösen (= cause) give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally cause a commotion make a stir cause an accident herstellen, erzeugen, machen, bauen, produzieren (= produce, create) create or manufacture a man-made product We produce more cars than we can sell The company has been making toys for two centuries (= draw) make, formulate, or derive in the mind I draw a line here draw a conclusion draw parallels make an estimate What do you make of his remarks? compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law! Heat makes you sweat machen (= create) create by artistic means create a poem Schoenberg created twelve-tone music Picasso created Cubism Auden made verses (= do) create or design, often in a certain way Do my room in blue I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest (= clear, earn, bring in) earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages How much do you make a month in your new job? She earns a lot in her new job this merger brought in lots of money He clears $5,000 each month (= reach) reach a goal, e.g make the first team We made it! She may not make the grade ausmachen, bilden, errichten, erzeugen (= form) to compose or represent This wall forms the background of the stage setting The branches made a roof This makes a fine introduction be or be capable of being changed or made into He makes a great host He will make a fine father make by shaping or bringing together constituents make a dress make a cake make a wall of stones perform or carry out make a decision make a move make advances make a phone call change from one form into another make water into wine make lead into gold make clay into bricks act in a certain way so as to acquire make friends make enemies bauen (= construct) make by combining materials and parts this little pig made his house out of straw Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer erreichen (= reach, hit) reach a destination, either real or abstract We hit Detroit by noon The water reached the doorstep We barely made it to the finish line I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts (= have, get) achieve a point or goal Nicklaus had a 70 The Brazilian team got 4 goals She made 29 points that day (= name) charge with a function; charge to be She was named Head of the Committee She was made president of the club (= establish) institute, enact, or establish make laws carry out or commit make a mistake commit a faux-pas form by assembling individuals or constituents Make a quorum (= make up) put in order or neaten make the bed make up a room (= hold, throw, have, give) organize or be responsible for hold a reception have, throw, or make a party give a course (= take) head into a specified direction The escaped convict took to the hills We made for the mountains Fabrikat, Marke (= brand) a recognizable kind there's a new brand of hero in the movies now what make of car is that? scheißen have a bowel movement The dog had made in the flower beds pinkeln, Pipi machen, urinieren, Wasser lassen, pissen, strullen eliminate urine Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug behave in a certain way make merry (= work) proceed along a path work one's way through the crowd make one's way into the forest appear to begin an activity He made to speak but said nothing in the end She made as if to say hello to us gather and light the materials for make a fire reach in time We barely made the plane calculate as being I make the height about 100 feet consider as being It wasn't the problem some people made it favor the development of Practice makes the winner cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable make my day develop into He will make a splendid father! assure the success of A good review by this critic will make your play! (= pretend) represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like She makes like an actress constitute the essence of Clothes make the man amount to This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living add up to four and four make eight be suitable for Wood makes good furniture undergo fabrication or creation This wool makes into a nice sweater (= seduce, score) induce to have sex Harry finally seduced Sally Did you score last night? Harry made Sally (= shuffle) the act of mixing cards haphazardly kochen, garen, zubereiten (= cook, fix, prepare) prepare for eating by applying heat Cook me dinner, please can you make me an omelette? fix breakfast for the guests, please

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Konjugation make Konjugation

Wie konjugiert man make in Englisch?

make · Verb

Sätze make Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich make in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!
Das ist die Mühe nicht wert, so zu tun, als würdest du mich dazu bringen, zu glauben, dass ich Dinge glaube, die du nicht glaubst.
Let me know if I need to make any changes.
Lasst es mich wissen, wenn ich irgendwelche Änderungen machen muss.
I don't know what to say to make you feel better.
Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll, um dich zu trösten.
Where can one make a phone call?
Wo kann man telefonieren?
Computers make people stupid.
Computer machen die Leute dumm.
Nowadays we want our children to make their own decisions, but we expect those decisions to please us.
Heutzutage wollen wir, dass unsere Kinder ihre eigenen Entscheidungen treffen, aber wir erwarten, dass uns diese Entscheidungen passen.
You make me dream.
Du bringst mich zum Träumen.
Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it.
Seien wir ehrlich, es ist unmöglich. Wir werden es nie schaffen.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
Bleibt nicht im Bett, sofern ihr nicht im Bett Geld verdienen könnt.
Liberty consists of being able to make everything as harmless as possible.
Freiheit besteht darin, alles machen zu können, was keinem anderen schadet.
The slowest one to make a promise is the most faithful one in keeping it.
Der Langsamste beim Versprechen ist der Treueste beim Einhalten.
I make lunch every day.
Ich mache jeden Tag das Mittagessen.
Denying she was an anarchist, Katja maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it.
Katja leugnete, dass sie eine Anarchistin war, indem sie behauptete, dass sie nur wünschte, Veränderung in unserer Regierung zu machen, nicht, sie zu zerstören.
David has a keen interest in aesthetics - the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
David hat ein leidenschaftliches Interesse an Ästhetik - den Eigenschaften, die ein Gemälde, eine Skulptur, eine musikalische Komposition oder ein Gedicht Auge, Ohr oder Geist gefallen lassen.


I thought that it would be a little while longer before I could make my move.
Dank dir kann ich damit viel fruher anfangen, als erhofft.
Now is the time that we, the Japan Liberation Front, should make a stand!
Wir als japanische Befreiungsfront mussen nun auch aktiv werden! Nur die Ruhe!
Can you send him and the test unit over there after I make arrangements there?
Bitte schicken Sie mir die komplette Versuchsanlage.
So, we had to make that map before his talk.
Also mussten wir einen ersten Plan bevor seine Lesung zusammenstellen!
I have 6 brothers. Don't make us orphans.
Ich habe 6 Brüder, mach uns nicht zu Waisen.
You should make up your mind.
Weißt du, was du willst?
To make the most out of these huge areas the nomadic Arabs have neglected, we need big capitalist companies who possess great means.
Um die vernachlässigten Gebiete der Nomaden auszunutzen, brauchen wir große Unternehmen, die über geeignete Mittel verfügen.
Friends! After having conquered this land in the name of France, you will now farm it and make it your new home for you and your children.
Freunde, nachdem dieses Land im Namen Frankreichs erobert wurde, werdet ihr es jetzt bestellen und hier eine neue Heimat schaffen, für euch und eure Kinder.
Yaouled, make sure your sheep don't eat my wife's flowers.
Yaouled, lass die Schafe nicht die Blumen meiner Frau zertrampeln!
The only way to ensure peace in Algeria is to make it an independent colony where all Algerians would be equal citizens.
Algerien muss eine unabhängige Kolonie werden. Ein Dominion nach englischem Muster, in dem alle Bürger gleich sind.
I'm trying to make him a man.
Er wird so langsam ein Mann.
I had become convinced the only way to save this country was to make it a French province.
Ich wusste nun, dass wir Algerien nur behalten würden, wenn wir eine französische Provinz daraus machten.
Make sure you pay attention.
Schönen Tag. - Sei schön fleißig. - Ja.
After having conquered this land in the name of France, you will now farm it. And make it your new home!
Nachdem Frankreich dieses Land erobert hat, werdet ihr es jetzt bestellen und hier eine neue Heimat schaffen.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

Even so, the fact that very high inflation is possible does not make it probable, so one should be cautious in arguing that higher gold prices are being driven by inflation expectations.
Aber selbst wenn eine sehr hohe Inflation möglich ist, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie auch wahrscheinlich ist. Man sollte daher mit der Argumentation vorsichtig sein, wonach höhere Goldpreise von Inflationserwartungen angetrieben seien.
Some have argued instead that gold's long upward march has been partly driven by the development of new financial instruments that make it easier to trade and speculate in gold.
Mancherorts heißt es auch, der lange Aufwärtstrend des Goldes wäre teilweise durch die Entwicklung neuer Finanzinstrumente bedingt, die den Handel und die Spekulation mit Gold erleichterten.
Wouldn't it be paradoxical, then, if financial alchemy could make an ingot of gold worth dramatically more?
Wäre es nicht paradox, wenn es der Finanz-Alchemie gelänge, den Wert eines Goldbarrens dramatisch steigen zu lassen?
First of all, as a kid, I just assumed that I would go to the moon, without having to do much in particular to make it happen.
Als Kind dachte ich, dass ich ohne große Anstrengungen meinerseits eines Tages zum Mond fliegen würde.
First, we must make certain that the relevant legislation to meet the challenge of terrorism is strictly temporary.
Erstens müssen wir sicherstellen, dass die einschlägigen Gesetze, die die Herausforderung des Terrorismus betreffen, ausschließlich vorübergehend sind.
But there is a serious downside: The deal could hurt developing-country exporters, unless the EU and the US make a concerted effort to protect these actors' interests.
Doch es besteht auch eine ernst zu nehmende Kehrseite: Das Abkommen könnte den Exporteuren aus Entwicklungsländern schaden, wenn die EU und die USA keine konzertierten Bemühungen unternehmen, die Interessen dieser Akteure zu schützen.
Because rapid fiscal deterioration now has investors worrying about capital losses on US government securities, devaluation would make foreigners more hesitant to finance America's budget deficit.
Da sich die Anleger nun aufgrund der raschen Verschlechterung der Haushaltslage Sorgen über Kapitalverluste bei US-Staatsanleihen machen, würde eine Abwertung Ausländer noch zögerlicher machen, Amerikas Haushaltsdefizit zu finanzieren.
It thus seemed to make sense that even in the eurozone, banking supervision remained largely national.
Es schien sinnvoll zu sein, dass auch in der Eurozone die Bankenaufsicht überwiegend in nationaler Hand blieb.
Perhaps Eban was too urbane, too much of a scholar and gentleman to be able to make it - in Disraeli's phrase - to the top of the greasy pole.
Vielleicht war Eban zu weltmännisch, hatte zu viel von einem Gelehrten und Gentleman an sich, um es - mit Disraelis Worten - bis an die Spitze der eingefetteten Stange zu schaffen.
Now the key is to make this effort work.
Jetzt geht es vor allem darum, dass diese Bemühungen funktionieren.
Getting seed and fertilizer to smallholder farmers at highly subsidized prices (or even free in some cases) will make a lasting difference.
Lässt man den Kleinbauern Saatgut und Düngemittel zu hoch subventionierten Preisen (oder in manchen Fällen sogar kostenlos) zukommen, so wird dies einen bleibenden Unterschied machen.
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero, and other forward-thinking leaders can therefore make a huge difference by following up on their pledges at the G-8 and insisting that the aid really works.
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero und andere vorausdenkende Machthaber können daher einen gewaltigen Unterschied machen, indem sie ihre Versprechen vom G-8-Gipfel einhalten und darauf bestehen, dass die Hilfe wirklich funktioniert.
In this respect, India more resembles the France with which Sarkozy wants to make a clean break than the current one.
In dieser Hinsicht ähnelt Indien eher jenem Frankreich, mit dem Sarkozy einen glatten Bruch anstrebt, als dem heutigen.
Sarkozy could make that dream come true.
Sarkozy könnte diesen Traum Wirklichkeit werden lassen.

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