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to Englisch

Bedeutung to Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch to?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


To has no meaning. It is used to introduce verb phrases. It's important for you to understand. She told them to be quiet. You want me to do it, but I don't have to. To finish quickly, we must work fast. To continue like this would be foolish. I don't know how to get there. He got the keys to open the door. It's too small to see. You are all to be here at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Do you understand? He arrived only to find that everyone had gone home.


To shows where something goes, the goal of movement. He went to her house. The train returned to the Shinjuku station. I went to bed but could not rest. They went to school together and played in the same soccer team. A squad car took him to hospital where he died. Many people came to me with suggestions. I wonder why you keep going to sea when you know it's dangerous. To shows the receivers of an action or object. The goods were sold to customers at the downtown store. To shows the result of a change or process. It switched from red to black. They came to the conclusion that I'm better than nothing. He fell on the play, but quickly got to his feet. He was crushed to death underneath the truck. To shows the end or limit of something. Methods have been used to overcome these problems to some degree. The class is from 1:35 to 3:25. It's just another week to the end of classes. Right now it's ten minutes to four. To shows that one thing is touching another. They stood back to back to see who was taller. To shows how two things are connected. He attached the printer to the computer. She was married to a Canadian man. She was assistant to the general manager. To shows a belonging or relationship. We don't owe anything to anyone. To whom does it belong? It's a benefit to the whole school. What's the answer to this problem? I can't remember the password to this account? To shows a comparison between two things. Girls outnumber boys two to one. Older cars get fewer kilometers to a liter of gasoline. Right now you can get one Canadian dollar to $1.05 US. To shows your feeling or opinion about something. It feels good to me. To their surprise, she got up and left. To shows a timing relationship, often with a music. He likes to exercise to music.


A particle used for marking the following verb as an infinitive. As above, with the verb implied. (expressing purpose) In order to. particle used to create phrasal verbs


Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at. Used to indicate the target or recipient of an action. Used to indicate result of action. Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion. Used after an adjective to indicate its application. Denotes the end of a range. (obsolete, ) As a. (arithmetic) Used to indicate a ratio or comparison. (arithmetic) Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation. (time) Preceding. Used to describe what something consists of or contains. time: preceding


Toward a closed, touching or engaging position. toward a closed, touching or engaging position

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transistor-outline transfer orbit takeoff

Sätze to Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich to in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

I have to go to sleep.
Ich muss schlafen gehen.
I have to go to sleep.
Ich muss schlafen gehen.
I don't know what to say.
Ich finde keine Worte.
This is never going to end.
Das wird nie enden.
I just don't know what to say.
Ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich sagen soll.
I simply don't know what to say.
Ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich sagen soll.
I simply don't know what to tell.
Ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich sagen soll.
It's because you don't want to be alone.
Das liegt daran, dass du nicht allein sein willst.
I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Ich werde mir Mühe geben, dich nicht beim Lernen zu stören.
I told them to send me another ticket.
Ich sagte ihnen, sie sollen mir ein neues Ticket schicken.
I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.
Ich wollte mal Astrophysiker werden.
The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.
Die letzte Person, der ich meine Idee erzählt habe, dachte, ich wäre bekloppt.
They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals.
Sie sind zu sehr damit beschäftigt, sich gegenseitig zu bekämpfen, als dass sie sich gemeinsamen Idealen widmen könnten.
I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!
Ich will nicht erbärmlich sein, ich will cool sein!!


I will find you, Zero. to avenge Clovis!
Wir sind dazu da, um euch zu dienen. Mit Area 11 wird es nicht so leicht werden.
C.C.-san came all the way here to see you.
CC-san war so nett, uns zu besuchen.
Here, you need to go to the bathroom.
Wir gehen ins Bad.
Here, you need to go to the bathroom.
Wir gehen ins Bad.
The plan to destroy Britannia.
Ich habe vor, Britannia zu vernichten.
I was planning to do this even without it.
Ich hatte es auch ohne sie versucht.
What are you going to do from now on?
Und was hast du jetzt vor?
He doesn't have the ability to do it.
Das ist keine Entschuldigung.
Thanks to that, the cooperation with the police and unions are in shambles.
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Polizei und Verwaltung ist schlecht.
Thanks to Zero, Britannia is in a state of confusion!
Durch Zero wird Britannia ins Chaos gestiirzt.
Don't rush it! The information that Kyoto is giving the Crimson Brocade to Zero is not definitive.
Kyoto hat noch nicht bestatigt, Zero mit Guren Mk.II zu unterstiitzen.
But. There are those who will want it to mean something and will start to analyze it.
Selbst Menschen, die gute Freunde sind, kann man durch einen Zweifel ganz einfach auseinander bringen.
But. There are those who will want it to mean something and will start to analyze it.
Selbst Menschen, die gute Freunde sind, kann man durch einen Zweifel ganz einfach auseinander bringen.
Lelouch, is this what you wanted to see?
Sag mir, Lelouch, ist es das, was du wolltest? Nein.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

SAN FRANCISCO - It has never been easy to have a rational conversation about the value of gold.
SAN FRANCISCO - Es war noch nie leicht, ein rationales Gespräch über den Wert von Gold zu führen.
One successful gold investor recently explained to me that stock prices languished for a more than a decade before the Dow Jones index crossed the 1,000 mark in the early 1980's.
Ein erfolgreicher Gold-Investor erklärte mir vor kurzem, dass die Aktienkurse über ein Jahrzehnt dahingedümpelt waren, bevor der Dow Jones-Index in den frühen 1980er Jahren die Marke von 1.000 Punkten überschritt.
Admittedly, getting to a much higher price for gold is not quite the leap of imagination that it seems.
Zugegeben: Es bedarf keiner großen Fantasie, um sich einen noch höheren Goldpreis vorzustellen.
With soaring deficits, and a rudderless fiscal policy, one does wonder whether a populist administration might recklessly turn to the printing press.
Angesichts ausufernder Defizite und einer richtungslosen Fiskalpolitik fragt man sich, ob eine populistische Administration nicht doch leichtsinnigerweise die Gelddruckmaschine anwerfen würde.
But gold bugs are right to worry about whether the government will honor its commitments under more extreme circumstances.
Aber die Goldbugs machen sich zu Recht Sorgen, ob die Regierung ein derartiges Engagement unter extremeren Umständen würdigte.
Some have argued instead that gold's long upward march has been partly driven by the development of new financial instruments that make it easier to trade and speculate in gold.
Mancherorts heißt es auch, der lange Aufwärtstrend des Goldes wäre teilweise durch die Entwicklung neuer Finanzinstrumente bedingt, die den Handel und die Spekulation mit Gold erleichterten.
There is probably some slight truth - and also a certain degree of irony - to this argument.
Darin liegt möglicherweise ein Körnchen Wahrheit - und ein gewisses Maß an Ironie.
After all, medieval alchemists engaged in what we now consider an absurd search for ways to transform base metals into gold.
Denn schon die mittelalterlichen Alchemisten beschäftigten sich mit der aus heutiger Sicht absurden Suche nach einer Möglichkeit, aus unedlen Metallen Gold zu machen.
In my view, the most powerful argument to justify today's high price of gold is the dramatic emergence of Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East into the global economy.
Meiner Ansicht nach ist der stärkste Grund für den heutigen hohen Goldpreis der dramatische Aufstieg Asiens, Lateinamerikas und des Mittleren Ostens in die Weltwirtschaft.
So, yes, there are solid fundamentals that arguably support today's higher gold price, although it is far more debatable whether and to what extent they will continue to support higher prices in the future.
Also, ja, manche Fundamentaldaten untermauern durchaus die heutigen Goldpreise, obwohl es fraglich ist, ob und in welchem Ausmaß sie höhere Preise auch in Zukunft untermauern werden.
So, yes, there are solid fundamentals that arguably support today's higher gold price, although it is far more debatable whether and to what extent they will continue to support higher prices in the future.
Also, ja, manche Fundamentaldaten untermauern durchaus die heutigen Goldpreise, obwohl es fraglich ist, ob und in welchem Ausmaß sie höhere Preise auch in Zukunft untermauern werden.
Gold prices are extremely sensitive to global interest-rate movements.
Der Goldpreis ist extrem empfindlich hinsichtlich globaler Veränderungen des Zinssatzes.
After all, gold pays no interest and even costs something to store.
Schließlich bringt Gold keine Zinsen und die Lagerung kostet sogar etwas.
Today, with interest rates near or at record lows in many countries, it is relatively cheap to speculate in gold instead of investing in bonds.
Angesichts der in vielen Ländern teilweise auf einem Rekordtief befindlichen Zinsen ist es relativ billig, mit Gold zu spekulieren, anstatt in Anleihen zu investieren.

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Chinese “Dipper” constellation