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scrape Englisch

Bedeutung scrape Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch scrape?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


To scrape is to drag something with force across a surface. She was worried the heavy table would scrape the polished floor as it was being moved. He needed to scrape the mud off his boots before entering the house. To scrape is to make something smooth by rubbing. He could scrape off the rough edges to make the stone smooth. To scrape is to save or collect things with difficulty. After I lost my job, I had to really scrape to have enough money for the rent.


A scrape is the noise made by forced rubbing. He could hear the scrape of the table being dragged across the floor. A scrape is a wound made by rubbing. She had a nasty scrape on her knee after falling on the path. A scrape is a fight. The two boys got into a bit of a scrape during the football match.


scratch repeatedly The cat scraped at the armchair (= scraping) a harsh noise made by scraping the scrape of violin bows distracted her make by scraping They scraped a letter into the stone kratzen (= scratch) cut the surface of; wear away the surface of (= scratch) gather (money or other resources) together over time She had scraped together enough money for college they scratched a meager living bend the knees and bow in a servile manner (= scraping) a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility) all that bowing and scraping did not impress him (= scratch) an indication of damage (= skin) bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of The boy skinned his knee when he fell Abrasion (= abrasion) an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off

Übersetzungen scrape Übersetzung

Wie übersetze ich scrape aus Englisch?

Synonyme scrape Synonyme

Welche sinnverwandte Wörter gibt es in Englisch zu scrape?

Konjugation scrape Konjugation

Wie konjugiert man scrape in Englisch?

scrape · Verb

Sätze scrape Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich scrape in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Please scrape the skin off the potatoes.
Schäle bitte die Kartoffeln.


Why scrape so much butter off?
Mensch, du streichst da so viel Butter weg!
No, I'm not worth getting into a scrape over.
Ich bin es nicht wert.
She was mixed up in some scrape at a garden party.
Sie hatte einen Streit bei einer Gartenparty.
Don't scrape the plate.
Iss den Teller nicht mit.
Essex! -Who bow and smile and scrape and spend their nights gnawing the chairs and floors out from under us all.
Die knicksen, lächeln und scharren und nagen in der Nacht die Stühle und Böden unter uns weg.
If you were out joyriding plastered, or got into a scrape, why don't you admit it instead of accusing innocent people?
Wenn Sie um die Häuser zogen. sich betranken, dann geben Sie es zu, anstatt. Unschuldige anzuklagen.
Then scrape the gravy off.
Dann kratze die Soße runter. Das sollte helfen.
We live in a house in town. We scrape on each other's nerves.
Wir wohnen in der Stadt und gehen uns auf die Nerven.
He cannot, like Hitler, scrape from their conscience the knowledge right is right and wrong is wrong.
Im Gegensatz zu Hitler kann er uns nicht das Bewusstsein nehmen,..
Scrape him out of a gutter and pump some kind of self-respect into him. and back he falls, back in every time.
Ihn aus der Gosse geholt und ein wenig Selbstachtung in ihn hinein gepumpt. nur damit er jedes Mal wieder dort landet.
It's all I could scrape up.
Besser als gar nichts.
Maybe all of you can scrape up decency to lay off three duffers who'vejust begun to breathe!
Vielleicht kratzt ihr all euren Anstand zusammen und lasst die Finger von diesen armen drei kleinen Wesen, die gerade angefangen haben, zu atmen.
Sometimes you skid, sometimes you go into a spin and smash into a tree and bash your fenders and scrape those fine ideals you brought from home.
Manchmal schleudert man, rast in eine Mauer oder einen Baum holt sich ein paar Beulen und kratzt seine hohen Ideale wieder zusammen.
There isn't enough paint in Germany for that but let me scrape together something in his defence.
Dafür gibt es in ganz Deutschland nicht genug Seife. Aber lassen Sie mich etwas zu seiner Verteidigung vorbringen.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

So Clinton, despite her so far lackluster campaign, and despite a popular perception of inauthenticity, even outright shiftiness, will probably hang on to her party and scrape through in the end.
Also wird Clinton wohl trotz ihrer bis jetzt lustlosen Kampagne und ihres Mangels an authentischer Ausstrahlung, der bis zur Verschlagenheit reicht, wahrscheinlich ihrer Partei treu bleiben und am Ende die Kurve kriegen.
It is likely to work because the Greek government finds it increasingly difficult to scrape together enough money to pay wages and pensions at the end of each month.
Und sie wird wahrscheinlich funktionieren, da die griechische Regierung zunehmend Schwierigkeiten hat, zum Ende jeden Monats genug Geld für ihre Lohn- und Rentenzahlungen zusammenzukratzen.

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