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cut Englisch

Bedeutung cut Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch cut?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you make something shorter or divide it in pieces, you cut it. Jared cut the meat using his knife and fork. In the lumber mill, the logs are then cut into boards. To hurt with a blade. I cut my hand. To stop something. They cut the electricity. To edit, shorten, or censor (a film). The film was cut by ten minutes. If you remove something to put it somewhere else, you cut it. Ben cut the text from the Word document and pasted it into another. If the picture changes from one scene to another, the scene cuts to another.


A scratch, opening in the skin or a surface. She had a cut on her arm. A reduction; lessening. There was a cut in prices. A small piece removed by cutting is a cut. I will take a cut of beef.


schneiden separate with or as if with an instrument Cut the rope (= reduce, cut down, cut back) cut down on; make a reduction in reduce your daily fat intake The employer wants to cut back health benefits separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument the cut surface was mottled cut tobacco blood from his cut forehead bandages on her cut wrists (= veer) turn sharply; change direction abruptly The car cut to the left at the intersection The motorbike veered to the right einschneiden make an incision or separation cut along the dotted line form by probing, penetrating, or digging cut a hole cut trenches The sweat cut little rivulets into her face (= tailor) style and tailor in a certain fashion cut a dress discharge from a group The coach cut two players from the team hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction cut a Ping-Pong ball geschnitten fashioned or shaped by cutting a well-cut suit cut diamonds cut velvet with parts removed the drastically cut film a share of the profits everyone got a cut of the earnings a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt (= edit) cut and assemble the components of edit film cut recording tape (= write out, issue, make out) make out and issue write out a check cut a ticket Please make the check out to me (of a male animal) having the testicles removed a cut horse penetrate injuriously The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead reap or harvest cut grain fell by sawing; hew The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of cut my hair move (one's fist) his opponent cut upward toward his chin give the appearance or impression of cut a nice figure perform or carry out cut a caper form or shape by cutting or incising cut paper dolls record a performance on (a medium) cut a record make a recording of cut the songs She cut all of her major titles again (= burn) create by duplicating data cut a disk burn a CD allow incision or separation This bread cuts easily function as a cutting instrument This knife cuts well schneiden divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult Wayne cut She cut the deck for a long time pass through or across The boat cut the water pass directly and often in haste We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner stop filming cut a movie scene make an abrupt change of image or sound cut from one scene to another schwänzen intentionally fail to attend cut class (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit the cut pages of the book (= thinned) mixed with water sold cut whiskey a cup of thinned soup geschnitten (= slashed) (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply the slashed prices attracted buyers have grow through the gums The baby cut a tooth grow through the gums The new tooth is cutting beschneiden have a reducing effect This cuts into my earnings dissolve by breaking down the fat of soap cuts grease weed out unwanted or unnecessary things We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet cease, stop cut the noise We had to cut short the conversation a step on some scale he is a cut above the rest Schnitt a wound made by cutting he put a bandage over the cut (= track) a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc he played the first cut on the cd the title track of the album a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass Schnitt the style in which a garment is cut a dress of traditional cut a canal made by erosion or excavation (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball cuts do not bother a good tennis player schneiden (= cutting) the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels (= cutting) the act of cutting something into parts his cuts were skillful his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess (= cutting) the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends the barber gave him a good cut the act of reducing the amount or number the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget abheben, schneiden (= cutting) the division of a deck of cards before dealing he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual an unexcused absence from class he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class (= trimmed) made neat and tidy by trimming his neatly trimmed hair (= snub) a refusal to recognize someone you know the snub was clearly intentional a remark capable of wounding mentally the unkindest cut of all (= geld) cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses) the vet gelded the young horse (= mown) (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine the smell of newly mown hay (= hack) be able to manage or manage successfully I can't hack it anymore she could not cut the long days in the office ausschalten, abschalten, ausmachen (= turn off, turn out) cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch Turn off the stereo, please cut the engine turn out the lights (= deletion, excision) the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball he took a vicious cut at the ball refuse to acknowledge She cut him dead at the meeting verdünnen lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture cut bourbon kürzen, verkürzen (= shorten, reduce) reduce in scope while retaining essential elements The manuscript must be shortened

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CUT Englisch » Englisch

control unit terminal

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Wie konjugiert man cut in Englisch?

cut · Verb

Sätze cut Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich cut in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time!
Ich kann mir nicht gleichzeitig die Nägel schneiden und bügeln!
Cut, wash and dry, please.
Schneiden, waschen und föhnen bitte.
We are cut from the same cloth.
Wir sind aus dem gleichen Holz geschnitzt.
You should get your hair cut.
Du solltest mal wieder zum Friseur gehen.
You smoke far too much. You should cut back.
Du rauchst viel zu viel. Du solltest das zurückschrauben.
Did you cut the paper?
Hast du das Papier geschnitten?
You'd better have your hair cut at once.
Du solltest dir besser umgehend die Haare schneiden lassen.
We must cut our expenses to save money.
Wir müssen unserer Ausgaben einschränken, um Geld zu sparen.
Take a short cut.
Nimm eine Abkürzung.
Take a short cut.
Nehmen Sie eine Abkürzung.
Let's take a short cut.
Nehmen wir eine Abkürzung!
Let's take a short cut.
Lass uns eine Abkürzung nehmen!
Let's take a short cut.
Lassen Sie uns eine Abkürzung nehmen!
The strong wind cut the electric wires in several places.
Der starke Wind zerriss die Stromleitungen an vielen Orten.


They'll cut the broadcast soon.
Die werden die Ubertragung gleich abbrechen.
Cut down the trees!
Fällt die Bäume.
Don't worry. The barber will give your willy a clean cut.
Der Friseur schneidet deinen Pimmel schön gerade, wie Haare.
These savages cut our compatriots' throats!
Diese Barbaren ermorden unsere Landsleute!
They wage wars on us, cut our settlers' throats, burn our farms, dream of throwing us in the sea.
Sie wollen Krieg, töten Kolonisten, brennen Höfe nieder! Sie würden uns am liebsten ins Meer werfen.
Some guy let me cut.
Ein Typ ließ mich vor.
First you cut the line, now you get free cotton candy.
Zuerst lässt man dich vor, jetzt Gratis-Zuckerwatte.
I'll go talk to them, cut a deal.
Ich rede mit ihnen und handele etwas aus.
Cut their teeth on Milosevic's protective detail during the ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav wars.
Sie haben sich als Sicherheitsgarde von Milosevic ihre Sporen verdient, während der ethnischen Säuberungen des Balkankrieges.
Amsler often cut through Jeanne Dutois' fields.
Amsler ging recht häufig am Feld von Jeanne Dutois vorbei.
Again the working-cIass quarters are cut off from the center.
Erneut wurden die Arbeiterbezirke vom Zentrum abgeschnitten.
Why would he have cut it?
Warum hätte er es schneiden sollen?
I have to see the conductor about the cut we made.
Wir fahren liebend gern aufs Land. Eines Tages.
I need to tell the orchestra about the cut we made.
Hoffentlich irrt sich der Kapellmeister nicht wieder.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

That leaves only about one-third of total federal spending from which to cut, and much of that goes to the defense budget, which Republicans will attempt to protect in the future.
Damit bleibt für Einschnitte nur rund ein Drittel der gesamten Bundesausgaben übrig, und ein Großteil hiervon entfällt auf den Verteidigungshaushalt, den zu schützen die Republikaner sich bemühen werden.
Indeed, during the past 20 years, they actually cut aid for agriculture programs, and only now are reversing course.
In Wirklichkeit wurde die Hilfe für landwirtschaftliche Programme in den letzten 20 Jahren gekürzt und erst jetzt erfolgt ein Kurswechsel.
Newspapers in most advanced countries are struggling or folding, and investigative reporting is often the first thing they cut.
In den meisten hoch entwickelten Ländern haben die Zeitungen zu kämpfen oder geben auf; investigative Berichterstattung ist häufig das Erste, an dem gespart wird.
With EU expansion coming next spring, all Ukrainians fear that a new wall will cut their country off from the Union's easternmost border in Poland.
Alle Ukrainer fürchten, dass mit der EU-Erweiterung im nächsten Frühjahr eine neue Mauer entsteht, die ihr Land von der östlichsten Außengrenze der EU in Polen trennt.
Although the job of maintaining Ukraine's democracy is primarily one for Ukrainians, the EU can help if it takes practical steps to reassure Ukrainians that they won't be cut off from the rest of Europe.
Obwohl die Aufrechterhaltung der Demokratie in der Ukraine in erster Linie eine Angelegenheit der Ukrainer ist, kann die EU praktische Schritte unternehmen, um den Ukrainern zu versichern, dass sie nicht vom Rest Europas abgeschnitten werden.
But, even as Europe's leaders promised that help was on the way, they doubled down on the belief that non-crisis countries must cut spending.
Doch zur selben Zeit, in der Europas Führungen versprachen, Hilfe sei auf dem Weg, versteiften sie sich darauf, dass die nicht in der Krise steckenden Länder ihre Ausgaben senken müssten.
But this does not mean that we should just cut all emissions.
Aber das heißt nicht, dass wir einfach auf alle Emissionen verzichten sollten.
The government can (and has) cut wages in the public sector, but this is not sufficient.
Die Regierung kann die Löhne im öffentlichen Sektor kürzen und hat dies auch getan, aber das reicht nicht.
Only in mid-August did the Fed hint that interest rates might be cut.
Erst Mitte August deutete die FED an, dass die Zinssätze gesenkt werden könnten.
One prescription that is bandied about with increasing frequency certainly sounds sensible: the world should drastically cut the amount of greenhouse gases that it pumps into the atmosphere each day.
Ein Rezept, das immer häufiger ins Gespräch kommt, klingt auf jeden Fall sinnvoll: Die Welt sollte die Menge an Treibhausgasen, die sie täglich in die Atmosphäre pumpt, drastisch reduzieren.
So, in order to cut global carbon emissions in half by the middle of the century, we would obviously have to start getting a lot more of our energy from sources that don't emit carbon.
Also müssten wir, um die globalen CO2-Emissionen bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts zu halbieren, offensichtlich anfangen, einen wesentlich höheren Anteil unserer Energie aus Quellen zu beziehen, die kein CO2 abgeben.
Senior government officials take their cut of opium revenues or bribes in return for keeping quiet.
Hochrangige Regierungsvertreter erhalten einen Schnitt an den Opiumeinnahmen oder Schmiergeldern, damit sie den Mund halten.
The husband of another young woman, Aisha, cut off her nose and ears when she ran away.
Der Ehemann einer anderen jungen Frau, Aisha, schnitt ihr die Nase ab, nachdem sie weggelaufen war.
And a massive default, together with a very large sustained cut in the annual budget deficit, is, in fact, needed to restore Greek fiscal sustainability.
Und ein massiver Zahlungsausfall in Kombination mit einer nachhaltigen und signifikanten Senkung des jährlichen Haushaltsdefizits ist auch nötig, um die haushaltspolitische Tragfähigkeit Griechenlands wieder herzustellen.

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Übersetzungen cut ins Englische

Wie sagt man cut auf Englisch?

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morning coat tailcoat jacket cutaway cut