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fling Englisch

Bedeutung fling Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch fling?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you fling something somewhere, you throw or push it away strongly, often carelessly or with strong emotion. He grabbed a book and flung it across the room angrily. The passenger door was flung open and a man jumped out. She walked in, shut the door, flung herself on her bed, and started to cry. She jumped into the water, flung her arms out and started splashing. She flung her coat over a chair and walked into the kitchen. If you fling words at somebody, you say angry things to them. With everybody flinging accusations, she was worried about her future.


If you have a fling with somebody, you have a short romantic or sexual relationship for fun. I had a brief fling with a boy I met in the summer. A fling is a fun, carefree time. I wasn't serious about dancing. The lessons were just a fling.


schleudern throw with force or recklessness fling the frisbee move in an abrupt or headlong manner He flung himself onto the sofa the act of flinging (= spree) a brief indulgence of your impulses (= crack, whirl) a usually brief attempt he took a crack at it I gave it a whirl verwerfen, fortwerfen, wegwerfen (= cast away, put away) throw or cast away Put away your worries (= splurge) indulge oneself I splurged on a new TV

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Don't fling your French at me.
Reden Sie nicht französisch mit mir.
After all, it's all right to be careful but we've got to have our little fling, just to break the monotony.
Man soll zwar aufpassen, aber wir müssen uns auch ein bisschen vergnügen, schon um die Monotonie zu brechen.
You can beat and starve us Saxons now but when King Richard escapes, he'll take you by the scruff of the neck and fling you into the sea!
Jetzt könnt ihr uns quälen und hungern lassen, aber wenn König Richard entkommt, packt er Euch beim Genick und wirft Euch ins Meer!
And The very fact that countless Thousands of you are listening tonight is proof To fling in The teeth of These cynics and skeptics that The public does care and does propose To do something about The appalling conditions I have Tried To describe tonight.
Allein die tatsache, dass Tausende von Ihnen heute Abend zuhören, spottet den Zynikern und SkepTikern unter uns, und zeigt, dass es im Sinne der Bevölkerung ist, etwas gegen die missstände zu unternehmen, die ich anprangere.
I might take a fling at writing. I always wanted to, if you remember.
Vielleicht werde ich schreiben, das wollte ich immer versuchen.
You've had your fling at this for two years.
Du machst das hier schon zwei Jahre.
Fling open the gates, my good man, I'm in a hurry.
Die Tore auf, guter Mann. Wir habens eilig.
The gates don't fling until I find out what you want.
Die Tore gehen erst auf, wenn ich weiß, was Sie wollen.
Pick up the gauntlet and fling it in his face. Whose face?
Wirf ihm den Federhandschuh ins Gesicht.
Oh, Larry, you've had your fling now.
Larry, du hast dich jetzt ausgetobt.
Oh, go on, or I shall fling myself from this balcony.
Nun mach schon, oder ich. -.werde mich von diesem Balkon stürzen.
As with the meat, some undeserved fault I'll find about the making of the bed and here I'll fling the pillow, there the bolster this way the coverlet and another way the sheets.
Wie bei dem Essen stell ich mich, als wär das Bett verkehrt gemacht. Dahin werfe ich den Tüll, dorthin das Kissen. Die Decke auf jene Seite.
Are you dolt enough to imagine that because a princess. Had a last fling with you that she'd marry a commoner?
Sind Sie so töricht zu glauben, eine Prinzessin würde wegen eines Techtelmechtels einen Bürgerlichen heiraten?
She'd fling herself into my arms out of gratitude. Now, who wants that?
Sie wird sich mir aus Dankbarkeit in die Arme werfen.

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