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beat Englisch

Bedeutung beat Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch beat?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you beat someone or something, you hit it, usually many times. It made a loud noise when he beat the drum. I had to leave and divorce my husband, because he kept beating and choking me. If you beat a person or a team, you win and they lose. The best team usually beats the worst one.


Beat is the rhythm of music. A heartbeat.


schlagen, gewinnen come out better in a competition, race, or conflict Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship We beat the competition Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night The teacher used to beat the students hit repeatedly beat on the door beat the table with his shoe move rhythmically Her heart was beating fast shape by beating beat swords into ploughshares trommeln (= drum) make a rhythmic sound Rain drummed against the windshield The drums beat all night glare or strike with great intensity The sun was beating down on us (= flap) move with a thrashing motion The bird flapped its wings The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky sail with much tacking or with difficulty The boat beat in the strong wind schlagen strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music beat one's breast beat one's foot rhythmically schlagen stir vigorously beat the egg whites beat the cream a regular route for a sentry or policeman in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name Rhythmus (= rhythm) the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music the piece has a fast rhythm the conductor set the beat Puls, Herzschlag the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart he could feel the beat of her heart the sound of stroke or blow he heard the beat of a drum a regular rate of repetition the cox raised the beat a stroke or blow the signal was two beats on the steam pipe the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks Beat the rhythm produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly beat the drum make by pounding or trampling beat a path through the forest (= flap) move with a flapping motion The bird's wings were flapping be superior Reading beats watching television This sure beats work! avoid paying beat the subway fare (= all in, bushed, dead) very tired was all in at the end of the day so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere bushed after all that exercise I'm dead after that long trip (= pulsate) move with or as if with a regular alternating motion the city pulsated with music and excitement a member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior (= exhaust, wash up) wear out completely This kind of work exhausts me I'm beat He was all washed up after the exam (= meter) (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse ticken (= tick) make a sound like a clock or a timer the clocks were ticking the grandfather clock beat midnight überlisten (= outfox) beat through cleverness and wit I beat the traffic She outfoxed her competitors (= vex, stick, get, bewilder) be a mystery or bewildering to This beats me! Got me--I don't know the answer! a vexing problem This question really stuck me

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Wie konjugiert man beat in Englisch?

beat · Verb

Sätze beat Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich beat in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

He won't beat me.
Er wird mich nicht schlagen.
The rescue worker beat the area, looking for the child.
Der Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter durchsuchte das Gebiet, auf der Suche nach dem Kind.
Don't beat around the bush.
Rede nicht um den heißen Brei herum!
Our soccer team beat all the other teams in the town.
Unsere Fußballmannschaft schlägt alle anderen der Stadt.
Our team beat the Lions 3 to 0.
Unsere Mannschaft gewann 3 zu 0 gegen die Lions.
Don't beat about the bush.
Rede nicht um den heißen Brei herum!
First beat the eggs and add them to the soup.
Schlage zuerst die Eier und gib sie zur Suppe.
Two high school boys beat Tom black and blue.
Zwei Oberstufenschüler schlugen Tom grün und blau.
Two high school boys beat Tom black and blue.
Zwei Oberstufenschüler haben Tom grün und blau geprügelt.
Beat it.
Geh weg!
Beat it.
Hau ab!
Beat it.
Beat it.
Beat it.
Mach dich fort!


That we'll beat the French!
Wir verjagen die Franzosen!
Listen! Let's not beat around the bush.
Wir brauchen nicht weiter zu reden.
Well look, if we can't get in his face, how are we -supposed to beat him?
Wenn wir nicht an ihn rankommen, können wir ihn nicht besiegen.
Well, sure, nothing would beat ending this mess in a peaceful manner, but to be completely honest, I doubt they'll talk to us.
Klar, eine friedliche Lösung wäre natürlich das Beste für alle, aber ich bezweifele, dass sie mit uns reden werden.
Please. beat me!
His heart would beat for the people, would decide in its favour.
Sein des Herzogs Herz spräche fürs Volk, entschiede zu seinen Gunsten.
Beat me up!
Schlagt mich!
So I beat it east, like I told you.
So bin ich also im Osten gelandet.
He beat it.
Er ist uns entkommen.
Yeah, but Rico's wreath beat them all.
Ja, aber Ricos Kranz war der schönste.
You guys better beat it.
Ihr solltet abhauen.
You'd better take your hats and beat it.
Verschwindet lieber von hier.
Let's beat it!
Hauen wir hier ab!
Beat you that time.
Diesmal war ich schneller.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

For example, if family members beat or abuse a woman, she has few options.
Wenn eine Frau zum Beispiel von Angehörigen geschlagen oder missbraucht wird, hat sie kaum Optionen.
There are now serious concerns that the so-called dark greens - the harder-line faction in Taiwan's pro-independence pan-green political camp - will seize this issue as a stick with which to beat President Chen.
Momentan gibt es ernsthafte Befürchtungen, dass die so genannten Dunkelgrünen - die Hardliner in dem für die Unabhängigkeit eintretenden Pan-Grünen-Bündnis - diese Frage dazu benützen werden, um gegen Präsident Chen vorzugehen.
Though bonds are hardly a perfect hedge against such risks, they typically beat stocks (except, perhaps, in cases of global conflagration, when both fare badly).
Auch wenn Anleihen kein ideales Instrument zur Absicherung gegen derartige Risiken sind, sind sie Aktien (außer vielleicht in Fällen eines globalen Flächenbrands, bei dem beide übel abschneiden) in der Regel überlegen.
When Holland beat Germany in the semi-finals of the 1988 European Championship, it was as though justice finally had been done.
Als Holland Deutschland im Halbfinale der Europameisterschaft 1988 schlug, war das, als wäre endlich Gerechtigkeit eingekehrt.
The crowd began to chant nationalist slogans, and then proceeded to beat up passersby who did not look Slavic.
Die Menge begann, nationalistische Lieder zu singen und Passanten anzugreifen, die nicht slawisch aussahen.
Many people look at Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon, among others, as companies that no competitor could ever beat.
Viele Menschen sehen Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon und andere als Unternehmen, die von keinem Wettbewerber besiegt werden können.
Of course, people use imoveyou for other purposes - everything from challenging a roommate to make his bed to encouraging a colleague to beat a sales record.
Natürlich benutzen die Menschen imoveyou auch für andere Zwecke - das geht von der Aufforderung an den Mitbewohner, sein Bett zu machen bis zur Ermutigung eines Kollegen, einen Verkaufsrekord zu brechen.
This is because most investors overreact to past returns, shifting their money around in a largely futile effort to channel it to managers who can beat the market.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass die meisten Investoren im Hinblick auf frühere Erträge überreagieren und ihr Geld häufig in dem sinnlosen Versuch verschieben, es Managern zukommen zu lassen, die den Markt schlagen können.
And if Indians can be better than white and black sportsmen on the cricket field, why can't they beat them in an Olympic stadium?
Und wenn Inder am Cricket-Feld besser abschneiden können, als weiße und schwarze Sportler, stellt sich die Frage, warum sie es nicht schaffen, sie in einem Olympiastadion zu bezwingen.
They must still train, of course, but if their genes produce more EPO than ours, they are going to beat us in the Tour de France, no matter how hard we train.
Natürlich müssen auch sie trainieren, aber ihre Gene produzieren mehr EPO als unsere, so dass sie uns bei der Tour de France in jedem Fall schlagen würden, egal wie hart wir dafür trainieren.
Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinian Authority beat a hasty retreat from their moderate and accommodating positions.
Ägypten, Jordanien, Saudi-Arabien und die Palästinenserbehörde zogen sich hastig von ihren gemäßigten, kompromissbereiten Positionen zurück.
It is easy to conclude that there is just no point in even trying to beat the market.
Man könnte leicht zu dem Schluss kommen, dass selbst der Versuch, die Märkte zu schlagen, sinnlos sei.
In these senses, Swensen is completely different from day traders, who are both investing for the short term and trying to beat the most crowded market - the market for exchange-listed securities.
In diesem Sinne unterscheidet sich Swensen vollkommen von Tageshändlern, die kurzfristig investieren und versuchen, den am stärksten überfüllten Markt zu schlagen - den Markt für börsennotierte Wertpapiere.
Knowing David Swensen, I can attest that he is not a lonely day trader trying to beat the market.
Da ich David Swensen kenne, kann ich bestätigen, dass er kein einsamer Tageshändler ist, der versucht, den Markt zu schlagen.

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