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pelt Englisch

Bedeutung pelt Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch pelt?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


The skin of an animal with hair on it; a raw hide; a skin with the hairy or woolly covering on it. The human skin.


If you pelt somebody, you throw things at them and hit them. As soon as I got out of my car, my children started pelting me with snowballs. The angry mob began to pelt the police with rocks. Luckily, the police were wearing armour, so the rocks just bounced off of them. If you pelt somebody with questions, words, facts, etc, you say those things quickly, without stopping. As soon as she got back from Africa, her parents started pelting her with questions about what it was like. Every time Daniel got home late, his girlfriend pelted him with accusations that he was visiting another woman, even if he had just stayed late at work. Every time I get back from vacations, my boss pelts me with demands and jobs before I can even sit down in my chair. If one thing pelts against another thing, the first thing bangs or drums on the second thing. The rain pelted on the roof of the car so loudly that we couldn't hear each other talk. If you pelt someone, you hit them over and over again. The smaller boy tried to fight the bully, but he got pelted. The bully was still pelting the smaller boy when the police arrived. The bully went to jail for hurting the smaller boy so badly that he had to go to the hospital.


cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile They pelted each other with snowballs attack and bombard with or as if with missiles pelt the speaker with questions Bindfäden regnen, in Strömen regnen, aus allen Kannen gießen, aus allen Kannen schütten, wie aus Eimern schütten (= pour) rain heavily Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside! Haut, Fell, Leder, Pelz, Balg (= hide) body covering of a living animal (= fur) the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

Übersetzungen pelt Übersetzung

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Synonyme pelt Synonyme

Welche sinnverwandte Wörter gibt es in Englisch zu pelt?

Konjugation pelt Konjugation

Wie konjugiert man pelt in Englisch?

pelt · Verb

Sätze pelt Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich pelt in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Do not pelt your dog with stones, so the neighbors will not imitate you.
Bewirf deinen Hund nicht mit Steinen, damit die Nachbarn es dir nicht nachmachen.


But if you mean, Wolf Pelt. that they were from some other part of your tribe. that does not lessen the responsibility of your chief.
Wenn sie von einem anderen Teil des Stammes sind, dann ist euer Häuptling trotzdem verantwortlich.
Wolf Pelt sell horses to railroad.
Wolfspelz verkauft Pferde an Eisenbahn.
Not Wolf Pelt.
Nicht Wolfspelz.
Wolf Pelt lie.
Wolfspelz lügt.
We catch him Wolf Pelt right time.
Wir kriegen Wolfspelz zur richtigen Zeit.
Stop it, Wolf Pelt.
Warte, Wolfspelz.
The only reason Mr. Chambers said he'd bring out the soldiers. was because Wolf Pelt tried to sell him back the horses he had stolen from the railroad.
Mr. Chambers sagte das mit den Soldaten, weil Wolfspelz versuchte, ihm die gestohlenen Pferde zu verkaufen.
Why you not tell redcoat about Wolf Pelt?
Warum hast du Rotröcken nichts von Wolfspelz gesagt?
Wolf Pelt tell truth!
Wolfspelz sagt Wahrheit.
A prime pelt.
Erstklassiger Pelz.
So they kill anything that wears a pelt.
Also töten sie alles, das Pelz trägt.
Every one a prime pelt.
Jeder einzelne ein 1A Pelz.
I never had a chance to see a beaver pelt, Mr. Rawlings.
Ich habe noch nie einen Biberpelz gesehen, Mr. Rawlings.
Well, I was gonna ask Daddy the best way to save the pelt.
Ich wollte Daddy fragen, wie man den Pelz erhält.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

From the promotion of organic food to declarations of the polar bear's imminent demise, the media pelt us with a constant barrage of one-sided warnings.
Von der Werbung für Biolebensmittel bis hin zu den Berichten über das bevorstehende Aussterben der Eisbären bombardieren uns die Medien mit einer permanenten Flut einseitiger Warnungen.

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