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blow Englisch

Bedeutung blow Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch blow?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If wind, air, etc. blows, it moves. The wind is blowing and the trees are moving. The wind blew the paper down the street. If something blows, the air moves it. His hat blew off. I could see some grass where the snow had blown away. Her gray hair blew across her face in the wind. Last fall, a storm blew through this town tearing up trees. If you blow, you push air out of your mouth or nose. She blew her nose into a tissue. He put his mouth in the water and blew bubbles for a few seconds. He hopes to celebrate his 25th birthday by blowing out the candles. If a horn, whistle, etc. blows, it makes a sound. When the final whistle blew, Arsenal had won the game 2 -- 0. If something blows up, it explodes. The car blew up as it drove over the bomb. If something blows you away, it surprises or impresses you. We were blown away. We couldnt believe that a ten-year-old could do that. If you blow up, you get angry. I dropped the cake and she totally blew up on me. If something blows up, it gets bigger. Can you blow that picture up a bit more? I can't see it clearly. If something is blown off, away, or out, apart, etc., it is damaged by an explosion or a bullet. BANG! The shot blew off one of his fingers. The truck he was driving was blown apart by a roadside bomb. They put the guns to their heads and blew their brains out. The blast had blown a hole in the wall. If you blow something, you do not do it successfully. I can't believe it. You almost had it, but you blew it. If you blow money, you spend it, often without being careful. If a piece of equipment blows, it stops working because there is an electrical problem. If a tire blows, it gets a hole, letting out its air quickly. His little joke had been blown out of proportion and he'd gotten in a lot of trouble. The car blew a tire on the way to our campsite. If something is blown out of proportion, it is exaggerated. If you blow by something, you move past it very quickly. If you blow someone, you perform oral sex on them.


A blow is a hit. He spent two days in hospital after a serious blow to the head. The thought struck like a blow to the chest. A blow is something bad that happens. The team was dealt a terrible blow when goalie Ryan Francis was killed. The final blow came when his wife left. To soften the blow, the government will send one-time payments to everyone involved. The town suffered a severe blow when the car factory shut down. A blow is an action of blowing. He gave a quick blow on the whistle. Cocaine.


Schlag a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon a blow on the head (= bump) an impact (as from a collision) the bump threw him off the bicycle blasen, pusten, wehen exhale hard blow on the soup to cool it down be blowing or storming The wind blew from the West free of obstruction by blowing air through blow one's nose Rückschlag (= reverse) an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating gleiten, schweben (= drift, be adrift) be in motion due to some air or water current The leaves were blowing in the wind the boat drifted on the lake The sailboat was adrift on the open sea the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore make a sound as if blown The whistle blew shape by blowing Blow a glass vase (= shock) an unpleasant or disappointing surprise it came as a shock to learn that he was injured (= puff) forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth he gave his nose a loud blow he blew out all the candles with a single puff burst suddenly The tire blew We blew a tire play or sound a wind instrument She blew the horn cause to move by means of an air current The wind blew the leaves around in the yard cause air to go in, on, or through Blow my hair dry spout moist air from the blowhole The whales blew sound by having air expelled through a tube The trumpets blew spend lavishly or wastefully on He blew a lot of money on his new home theater lay eggs certain insects are said to blow allow to regain its breath blow a horse cause to be revealed and jeopardized The story blew their cover The double agent was blown by the other side verschwenden (= waste, squander) spend thoughtlessly; throw away He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree Koks (= coke) street names for cocaine (= blow out) melt, break, or become otherwise unusable The lightbulbs blew out The fuse blew (= gust) a strong current of air the tree was bent almost double by the gust (= fellate) provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation (= shove off, shove along) leave; informal or rude shove off! The children shoved along Blow now! (= botch, screw up) make a mess of, destroy or ruin I botched the dinner and we had to eat out the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement prahlen, angeben (= boast) show off

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blow · Verb

Sätze blow Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich blow in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Make a wish and blow out the candles.
Puste die Kerzen aus und wünsch dir was!
If you go underwater, hold your nose and blow to clear your ears.
Wenn du unter Wasser gehst, halte deine Nase zu und pruste etwas, damit deine Ohren frei werden.
It was a great blow to us.
Es war für uns ein schwerer Schlag.
It was a blow to us.
Das war ein Schlag für uns.
That will let you blow off steam.
Da kannst du Dampf ablassen.
The news was a blow to him.
Die Nachricht war ein schwerer Schlag für ihn.
I dealt him a blow on the ear.
Ich versetzte ihm einen Schlag aufs Ohr.
I have a feeling that Masao may blow in sometime soon.
Ich habe so ein Gefühl, dass Masao irgendwann in naher Zukunft hier hereinschneien wird.
The first blow is half the battle.
Der Erstschlag ist der halbe Sieg.
He struck me a blow on the face.
Er schlug mir ins Gesicht.
They defused the bomb before it could blow up.
Sie entfernten den Zünder, bevor die Bombe explodierte.
Her mother's death was a blow to the little girl.
Der Tod ihrer Mutter war für das Mädchen ein schwerer Schlag.
A blow from a falling stone killed him.
Der fallende Stein tötete ihn auf einen Streich.
He was dealt a deadly blow.
Er hat einen tödlichen Schlag bekommen.


You'll blow my cover.
Deine Uniform wird mich verraten.
How about you and the blow?
Und bei dir und den Drogen?
We must deal the enemy a decisive blow.
Der Feind muss entscheidend getroffen werden!
Where'd you blow in from, boy?
Woher kommst du denn plötzlich?
That is, she got the last blow in.
Zumindest hatte sie das letzte Wort.
I've heard that north wind blow before.
Die Ausrede habe ich schon öfters gehört.
I'm gonna blow.
Ich gehe.
Now why don't you go down to Saigon and. to blow the lid off? Get a laugh out of your liquor?
Warum fährst du nicht nach Saigon und lässt richtig Dampf ab, nimmst n Schluck und amüsierst dich?
Please, may I blow my nose?
Kann ich mir die Nase putzen?
I'll huff and puff and blow your door in.
Ich huste und puste und blase die Tür auf.
With enough ammunition to blow up the harbor.
Mit der Menge, könnten wir den ganze Hafen in die Luft jagen.
Trust me to see you through a blow.
Seien Sie nicht gleich gekränkt.
Be careful you don't blow away.
Wir sehen dich wieder.
Come on. Blow your nose.
Schnäuz dich mal.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

But the 1945 consensus was dealt a much greater blow precisely when we all rejoiced at the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the other great twentieth-century tyranny.
Doch dem Konsens des Jahres 1945 wurde ein noch viel stärkerer Schlag versetzt, als wir alle den Zusammenbruch des Sowjetimperiums, der anderen großen Tyrannei des 20. Jahrhunderts, bejubelten.
By destroying Iraq as a counterbalancing regional force, the US dealt a major blow to its traditional Gulf allies, for whom Iraq served as a barrier against Iran's ambitions.
Mit der Zerstörung des Irak als ausgleichende regionale Macht, haben die USA ihren traditionellen Verbündeten am Golf einen schweren Schlag versetzt, denn ihnen diente der Irak als Barriere gegen die Ambitionen des Iran.
There is no doubt that Japan's massive 1992 financial crisis was a hammer blow, from which it has yet to recover, and the parallels with the US and Europe today are worrisome.
Die schwere Finanzkrise Japans 1992 war zweifellos ein heftiger Schlag, von dem es sich noch immer erholt. Die Gemeinsamkeiten mit den USA und Europa heute sind besorgniserregend.
The financial crisis delivered a fatal blow to that overconfidence in scientific economics.
Die Finanzkrise versetzte diesem übermäßigen Vertrauen in die wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftslehre einen tödlichen Stoß.
Consumers are pulling back from home and automobile purchases not only because they have suffered a blow to their wealth with declining stock prices and housing values, but also because they don't know where to turn.
Die Verbraucher sehen nicht nur deshalb von Eigenheim- und Autokäufen ab, weil ihnen fallende Aktienkurse und Häuserpreise Vermögensverluste beschert haben, sondern weil sie nicht wissen, wohin sie sich wenden sollen.
What a damaging blow to the extremists, whose ideology the voters so clearly rejected.
Was für ein niederschmetternder Schlag für die Extremisten, deren Ideologie von den Wählern so eindeutig zurückgewiesen wurde.
A World Bank leader who once again comes from Wall Street or from US politics would be a heavy blow for a planet in need of creative solutions to complex development challenges.
Noch ein Weltbankchef von der Wall Street oder aus der US-Politik wäre für einen Planeten, der kreative Lösungen für die komplexen Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung braucht, ein schwerer Schlag.
Nuclear terrorism, a slowdown in China, or a sharp escalation of violence in the Middle East could all blow the lid off the current economic dynamic.
Nuklearterrorismus, eine Rezession in China oder eine steile Eskalation der Gewalt im Nahen Osten könnten der aktuellen Wirtschaftsdynamik den Boden entziehen.
The delay amounts to a serious blow: While the deal itself is unlikely to persuade many undecided Britons to vote to stay in the EU, it is a prerequisite for Cameron to begin campaigning for that outcome.
Diese Verzögerung ist ein schwerer Rückschlag: Das Abkommen selbst mag zwar kaum einen unentschiedenen Briten überzeugen, für einen Verbleib in der EU zu stimmen, aber für Cameron ist es eine Voraussetzung, um für einen solchen Verbleib werben zu können.
And, though the US economy is recovering from the global financial crisis, America's treasury and reputation has been dealt a severe blow.
Und obwohl sich die US-Wirtschaft von der weltweiten Finanzkrise erholt, mussten der Staatshaushalt und der Ruf des Landes einen schweren Schlag einstecken.
An American dialogue with Iran will be a serious blow to the interests of Israeli hardliners, and some of them dream of making it impossible.
Ein amerikanischer Dialog mit dem Iran ist ein ernster Schlag gegen die Interessen der israelischen Hardliner, und einige von ihnen träumen davon, ihn unmöglich zu machen.
Her stall is far from ideal; with every gust of wind, sand and dirt blow over the meat.
Ihr Stand ist alles andere als ideal; mit jeder Böe wehen Sand und Schutz auf das Fleisch.
One reason is that we don't know how to store the energy from these sources: when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, what powers your computer or the hospital's operating room?
Ein Grund dafür ist, dass wir nicht wissen, wie wir den Strom aus diesen Quellen speichern sollen. Und wenn der Wind nicht weht und die Sonne nicht scheint, wo soll dann der Strom für Ihren Computer oder den Operationssaal des Krankenhauses herkommen?
The danger, then, is a failure to deliver the knockout blow at a time when the group appears to be disintegrating.
Die Gefahr besteht also darin, den K.-o.-Schlag nicht in dem Moment auszuführen, in dem die Gruppe sich aufzuspalten scheint.

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