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rubbish Englisch

Bedeutung rubbish Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch rubbish?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


Rubbish is unwanted things such as plastic bags, half-eaten food, and broken toys. She's always throwing her left-over food on the ground, and not in the rubbish bin. People drive by and dump all manner of rubbish. Rubbish is a stupid or wrong idea. You're going to sing? Rubbish! Total rubbish! You can't sing. Oh, I don't watch TV. It's a load of rubbish. He was tired and angry and didn't want to listen to his friend talking rubbish.


If you rubbish something, you say it's bad or stupid. It's not very good, but I didn't want to completely rubbish it.


Müll, Abfall worthless material that is to be disposed of attack strongly (= folderol) nonsensical talk or writing

Übersetzungen rubbish Übersetzung

Wie übersetze ich rubbish aus Englisch?

Synonyme rubbish Synonyme

Welche sinnverwandte Wörter gibt es in Englisch zu rubbish?

Sätze rubbish Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich rubbish in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Get the rubbish out of the building.
Bring den Müll raus!
Don't talk rubbish!
Sag keine Dummheiten!
Don't talk rubbish!
Rede keinen Unsinn!
Don't talk rubbish!
Rede keinen Blödsinn!
Today is a non-burnable rubbish day.
Heute ist der Tag für nicht brennbaren Müll.
What a load of rubbish!
So ein Unsinn!
Don't talk rubbish.
Sag keine Dummheiten!
Don't talk rubbish.
Rede keinen Unsinn!
Don't talk rubbish.
Red keinen Quatsch.
Don't talk rubbish.
Rede keinen Blödsinn!
The richer the city, the more rubbish it generates.
Je reicher eine Stadt ist, desto mehr Abfall produziert sie.
They collect our rubbish every Monday.
Unser Müll wird jeden Montag abgeholt.
That's rubbish.
Das ist Quatsch.
Rarely have I heard such a load of rubbish.
Selten habe ich so einen Haufen Unsinn gehört.


Rubbish! I know what he wants.
Was der will, das weiß ich schon.
Rubbish! Have some champagne!
Da weißt du wie das Leben von unten und oben aussieht.
You preached about faith and other rubbish.
Sie predigten Vertrauen, ein Unfug.
Tubs, jars, tea bags, pickles, peppers, and no end of rubbish.
Fässer, Krüge, alte Teekisten, Gurken, Pfeffer. Alles stand kreuz und quer durcheinander.
Oh, rubbish.
Männer achten selten darauf, was Frauen tragen.
Weitersingen! - Unsinn.
I've just seen that packet of tea. They chucked it out with the rubbish.
Ich habe die Teeverpackung gesehen.
What rubbish!
I don't mind choking if it's to correct his rubbish!
Lohnt es sich nicht, bei diesem Gerede zu ersticken?
If he's going to Aubagne, we sell the rubbish.
Das braucht den ganzen Kanister.
Oh, rubbish! You have no power here.
Unsinn, du hast hier keine Macht.
At least I am not sitting on it, talking rubbish in chapel.
Wenigstens sitze ich nicht in der Kirche und rede Unsinn.
Lanto, why do you think we at the chapel talk rubbish?
Ianto, warum glaubst du, dass wir in der Kirche Unsinn reden?
Rubbish, boy.

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