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think Englisch

Bedeutung think Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch think?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


If you think something, you feel that it is or may be true. Some people think this is a good idea, but I don't think so. I think the best thing to do now is to go home. I just thought you might want some coffee. I really think you should stop seeing her. What do you think about the new teacher? Vancouver is thought to be a good place to live. I think he's a doctor. I think she wants us to go that way. I thought I saw something. "Is this right?" "I think so." If you think about something, you use your mind to give it your attention. "What's the best way?" "I'm not sure. Let me think." All day I was thinking about my sister in Lisbon. You know you can't do that. What were you thinking? I don't want to think about that right now. Just think how nice it will be when we're finished. If you think something, you hear the words in your head. "It's no good," she thought. You use think in suggestions and requests. I was thinking we could go out tonight. Do you think you could help me here? If you don't think to do something, you don't remember to do it. I didn't think to ask her. I can't think where my keys are.


If you say you'll have a think about something, it means you'll give it your attention.


(= believe, conceive) judge or regard; look upon; judge I think he is very smart I believe her to be very smart I think that he is her boyfriend The racist conceives such people to be inferior denken, glauben, annehmen, schätzen, vermuten, mutmaßen, rechnen mit (= suppose, imagine, guess) expect, believe, or suppose I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel I thought to find her in a bad state he didn't think to find her in the kitchen I guess she is angry at me for standing her up denken use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere erinnern, entsinnen, gedenken (= remember, recall, call up) recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection I can't remember saying any such thing I can't think what her last name was can you remember her phone number? Do you remember that he once loved you? call up memories imagine or visualize Just think--you could be rich one day! Think what a scene it must have been! focus one's attention on a certain state Think big think thin (= mean) have in mind as a purpose I mean no harm I only meant to help you She didn't think to harm me We thought to return early that night ponder; reflect on, or reason about Think the matter through Think how hard life in Russia must be these days decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting Can you think what to do next? dispose the mind in a certain way Do you really think so? be capable of conscious thought Man is the only creature that thinks have or formulate in the mind think good thoughts bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation She thought herself into a state of panic over the final exam an instance of deliberate thinking I need to give it a good think

Übersetzungen think Übersetzung

Wie übersetze ich think aus Englisch?

Synonyme think Synonyme

Welche sinnverwandte Wörter gibt es in Englisch zu think?

Konjugation think Konjugation

Wie konjugiert man think in Englisch?

think · Verb

Sätze think Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich think in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.
Ich vermute, das ist anders, wenn du darüber längerfristig nachdenkst.
Most people think I'm crazy.
Die meisten Leute denken, ich sei verrückt.
Let's think about the worst that could happen.
Lass uns über das Schlimmste, das passieren könnte, nachdenken.
Let us think about the worst that could happen.
Lass uns über das Schlimmste, das passieren könnte, nachdenken.
I think it is best not to be impolite.
Ich denke, es ist am besten, nicht unhöflich zu sein.
I think I have a theory about that.
Ich denke, ich habe dazu eine Theorie.
I think my living with you has influenced your way of living.
Ich denke, dass mein Zusammenleben mit dir deine Lebensweise beeinflusst hat.
What do you think I've been doing?
Was denkst du, was ich gerade gemacht habe?
You can't expect me to always think of everything!
Du kannst nicht von mir erwarten, dass ich immer an alles denke!
Don't expect others to think for you!
Man darf nicht darauf warten, dass die anderen für einen denken!
Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known.
Da du nicht überrascht bist, denke ich, musst du es gewusst haben.
I think exams are ruining education.
Ich denke, dass Prüfungen die Erziehung ruinieren.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep.
Ich denke, ich werde schlafen gehen.
Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!
Denk nicht mal dran, meine Schokolade zu essen!


Do you think you can destroy it with just that power?
Glaubst du, du schaffst das? Allein durch diese Kraft?
I'm sorry! I didn't think there would be anyone below.
Ich dachte nicht, dass hier unten jemand ist!
I didn't think that a girl would be falling from above either.
Ich dachte auch nicht, dass von oben plotzlich eine Frau angeflogen kommt. Na so was?
It's the school's phone, so I don't think.
Es ist ein Schultelefon. Ich habe keine Ahnung.
Who do you think is feeding you?
Wer, glaubst du, futtert dich durch?
Of course, I don't think that it is possible to get rid of all of that.
Ich weiB. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass man alles umkrempeln kann.
Why do you think we exist?
Was glaubst du, wofiir wir kampfen?
I think he may be planning to kill Euphemia. aren't you?
Zero du willst doch nicht etwa Euphemia Du bist sehr vorsichtig.
What do you think will happen then?
Was glaubst du, wird dann passieren?
I'm shocked. I didn't think you'd go this far.
Es wundert mich, dass du so weit gegangen bist.
But do not think we have finished.
Denken Sie jetzt nicht, dass wir fertig sind!
Crazy in love! What do you think?
Verrückt vor Liebe!
It's not what you think, Odilon.
Nicht, was du glaubst, Odilon.
You think he really loves me?
Glaubst du, er liebt mich?

Nachrichten und Publizistik

MOSCOW - Most people who know of me think of me as an information-technology expert, someone who probably lives in California and invests in edgy Internet start-ups.
MOSKAU - Die meisten Menschen, die mich kennen, halten mich für eine Expertin auf dem Gebiet der Informationstechnologie, die wahrscheinlich in Kalifornien lebt und in angesagte Internet-Start-ups investiert.
But a much more profound re-think is needed.
Allerdings bedarf es eines noch grundlegenderen Umdenkens.
Even in the most advanced and affluent societies, a vast concentrated effort is needed to preserve even minimal decency: think of locks, security alarms, police, courts, and prisons.
Auch in den modernsten und wohlhabendsten Gesellschaften ist eine gewaltige gezielte Anstrengung erforderlich, um auch nur minimalen Anstand zu wahren: Man denke an Schlösser, Alarmanlagen, Polizei, Gerichte und Gefängnisse.
But it is also true that although some people are eager to take pills that make them feel better or think faster, it is not so obvious that people would really want to take pills that would make them morally better.
Obwohl manche Leute darauf brennen Pillen zu nehmen, durch die sie sich besser fühlen oder schneller denken, ist es nicht so klar, dass die Leute wirklich Tabletten einnehmen wollten, die sie moralisch positiv beeinflussen.
As the European Constitutional Convention assembles to debate the fine points of the European Union's future institutions, now is the moment to think the unthinkable about where Europe is heading.
In diesen Tagen tritt der europäische Verfassungskonvent zusammen, um über die Zukunft der EU-Institutionen im Detail zu debattieren; Grund genug, um über das Unvorstellbare nachzudenken: Wohin geht Europa?
When Europeans think of future institutions, the tension is always seen as that between national differences and the common European identity.
Wenn Europäer an zukünftige Institutionen denken, geht es immer um das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den nationalen Unterschieden und der gemeinsamen europäischen Identität.
Think of how much more genuine diversity would there be in a united Europe if national states did not squat in the middle.
Denken wir nur einmal daran, wie viel mehr wirkliche Vielfalt es in einem vereinten Europa geben würde, wenn die Nationalstaaten nicht im Weg sitzen würden.
But think where we'd be if we could improve the efficiency of solar cells by a factor of ten - in other words, if we could make them cheaper than fossil fuels.
Aber denken wir einmal darüber nach, wo wir ständen, wenn wir die Effizienz von Solarzellen um den Faktor zehn verbessern könnten - mit anderen Worten, wenn wir sie billiger als fossile Brennstoffe machen könnten.
Most Poles think that Poland's situation is akin to Denmark's.
Die meisten Polen sehen die Situation Polens ähnlich.
Think of it as the order of the church choir, where individual members cooperate on the basis of a shared culture and values.
Stellen sie sich die Ordnung eines Kirchenchores vor, in dem einzelne Mitglieder auf Grundlage einer gemeinsamen Kultur und gleicher Werte zusammenarbeiten.
The theme, style, and echo of his work says a lot, I think, about our simplified world.
Das Thema, der Stil und das Echo seines Werkes sagt meiner Meinung nach viel über unsere vereinfachte Welt aus.
Think of China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey.
Man denke an China, Indien, Malaysia, Indonesien, Brasilien, Südkorea und die Türkei.
I can think of one very good reason why the euro needs to fall, and six not-so-convincing reasons why it should remain stable or appreciate.
Mir fällt ein sehr guter Grund ein, warum der Euro fallen muss, und sechs weniger überzeugende Gründe, warum er stabil bleiben oder aufwerten sollte.
Her talent is to make the private public, to expose the thoughts that people are afraid to think.
Sie hat die Begabung, das Private öffentlich zu machen, die Gedanken offenzulegen, die die Menschen Angst haben zu denken.

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