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run Englisch

Bedeutung run Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch run?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


To function (said of a machine). The car runs well. To flee. He ran from the cops. If you run a place, you manage it. He ran the hotel together with his beloved wife. . He had run all the way from Dallas.


A trip made by a runner; compare to walk. I’m going for a run. A run in baseball is when a batter safely touches home plate. A run in cricket is scored when the batsmen run between the two wickets. An unbroken course of performances or showings. The musical had a long run on Broadway.


rennen, laufen move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time Don't run--you'll be out of breath The children ran to the store (= escape) flee; take to one's heels; cut and run If you see this man, run! The burglars escaped before the police showed up (= go, extend) stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point Service runs all the way to Cranbury His knowledge doesn't go very far My memory extends back to my fourth year of life The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets direct or control; projects, businesses, etc She is running a relief operation in the Sudan (= tally) a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th their first tally came in the 3rd inning (= go) have a particular form the story or argument runs as follows as the saying goes... fließen (= flow, feed) move along, of liquids Water flowed into the cave the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi funktionieren, wirken, arbeiten, funzen (= work, go) perform as expected when applied The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in Does this old car still run well? This old radio doesn't work anymore einsetzen run, stand, or compete for an office or a position Who's running for treasurer this year? (= range) change or be different within limits Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals My students range from very bright to dull (= play) cause to emit recorded audio or video They ran the tapes over and over again I'll play you my favorite record He never tires of playing that video (= test, trial) the act of testing something in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately he called each flip of the coin a new trial move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way who are these people running around in the building? She runs around telling everyone of her troubles let the dogs run free be operating, running or functioning The car is still running--turn it off! change from one state to another run amok run rogue run riot cause to perform run a subject run a process (= tend, incline) have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined She tends to be nervous before her lectures These dresses run small He inclined to corpulence be affected by; be subjected to run a temperature run a risk occur persistently Musical talent runs in the family (= execute) carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine Run the dishwasher run a new program on the Mac the computer executed the instruction carry out run an errand (= carry) include as the content; broadcast or publicize We ran the ad three times This paper carries a restaurant review All major networks carried the press conference (= draw, pass) pass over, across, or through He ran his eyes over her body She ran her fingers along the carved figurine He drew her hair through his fingers a race run on foot she broke the record for the half-mile run (= die hard, endure) continue to exist These stories die hard The legend of Elvis endures (= lead) cause something to pass or lead somewhere Run the wire behind the cabinet sail before the wind cover by running; run a certain distance She ran 10 miles that day cause an animal to move fast run the dogs be diffused These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor make without a miss (= running) (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team the defensive line braced to stop the run the coach put great emphasis on running rennen, laufen (= running) the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace he broke into a run his daily run keeps him fit a regular trip the ship made its run in record time (= streak) an unbroken series of events had a streak of bad luck Nicklaus had a run of birdies the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.) a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint unrestricted freedom to use he has the run of the house the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation the assembly line was on a 12-hour run (= unravel) become undone the sweater unraveled a short trip take a run into town Laufmasche a row of unravelled stitches she got a run in her stocking an unbroken chronological sequence the play had a long run on Broadway the team enjoyed a brief run of victories set animals loose to graze travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means Run to the store! She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there keep company the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring run with the ball; in such sports as football extend or continue for a certain period of time The film runs 5 hours (= ply) travel a route regularly Ships ply the waters near the coast jagen (= hunt) pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals) Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland The dogs are running deer The Duke hunted in these woods (= race) compete in a race he is running the Marathon this year let's race and see who gets there first come unraveled or undone as if by snagging Her nylons were running schmelzen (= melt, melt down) reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating melt butter melt down gold The wax melted in the sun (= rivulet) a small stream (= campaign) a race between candidates for elective office I managed his campaign for governor he is raising money for a Senate run (= discharge) the pouring forth of a fluid (= go) progress by being changed The speech has to go through several more drafts run through your presentation before the meeting

Übersetzungen run Übersetzung

Wie übersetze ich run aus Englisch?

Synonyme run Synonyme

Welche sinnverwandte Wörter gibt es in Englisch zu run?

Konjugation run Konjugation

Wie konjugiert man run in Englisch?

run · Verb

Sätze run Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich run in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

Someday I'll run like the wind.
Irgendwann werde ich wie der Wind rennen.
If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life.
Wenn Sie einen Mann auf sich zukommen sehen in der offenkundigen Absicht, Ihnen etwas Gutes zu tun, dann sollten Sie um Ihr Leben rennen.
With his colored clothes, his long wig and his white gloves, one could guess he has run away from some kind of Disneyland.
Mit seiner bunten Kleidung, seiner langen Perücke und seinen weißen Handschuhen könnte man meinen, er sei gerade aus einer Art Disneyland entlaufen.
Why did you try to run away?
Warum hast du versucht wegzulaufen?
If you run fast, you can catch the train.
Wenn Sie schnell laufen, können Sie den Zug noch erwischen.
If you run fast, you can catch the train.
Wenn du schnell läufst, dann erwischst du den Zug.
I was nearly run over by a car.
Ich wurde beinahe von einem Auto überfahren.
Don't run risks.
Geh keine Risiken ein.
I was almost run over by a car.
Ich wurde beinahe von einem Auto überfahren.
His home run excited the crowd.
Sein Home Run begeisterte die Menge.
Generally speaking, boys can run faster than girls.
Im Allgemeinen können Jungen schneller laufen als Mädchen.
We've run short of money.
Uns wurde das Geld knapp.
We will run short of oil some day.
Eines Tages wird uns das Öl knapp werden.
Fire! Run!
Feuer! Rennt!


We want to help the Arabs, to protect their language and their religion. We wish to let them run their own country and help them gradually take in the values of modern Western civilization.
Wir wollen den Arabern helfen, ihre Sprache und ihre Religion schützen, ihnen die Verwaltung überlassen und ihnen helfen, die Werte unserer Zivilisation aufzunehmen.
I thought the battle of the smalah would end the war, but Abd el-Kader would be on the run for another 4 years.
Der Sieg über die Smala beendete nicht den Krieg. Abd el-Kader wehrte sich noch 4 Jahre.
You're the only single parent whose son witnessed his own mother get killed in a hit-and-run and hasn't said a word since.
Nein, aber Sie sind der Einzige, dessen Sohn sah, wie seine Mutter durch Fahrerflucht getötet wurde, und seitdem nicht sprach.
I didn't get to see her this morning, 'cause she left early for the tech run.
Ich sah sie heute früh nicht. Sie haute früher ab.
I can't give you an exact number, but offhand, this kind of testing can run you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Ich habe keine genaue Summe, aber vielleicht über 100 000 Dollar.
How far do we have to run?
Wie weit müssen wir noch rennen?
So did they run?
Sind sie weggerannt?
We cannot afford to let this enemy run rampant.
Wir können sie nicht gewähren lassen.
I won't run away from it.
Ich wollte diese Kräfte nicht.
Is there a deeper forensic analysis we can run?
Können wir eine tiefgründigere forensische Analyse durchführen?
I'll run the letter combination against the DMV registry - and see if we can get a hit.
Ich gleiche die Buchstabenkombination mit den Kfz-Zulassungen ab und schaue, ob wir was finden.
You cannot run away this time!
Jetzt wirst du mir nicht entfliehen!
The sand has run out!
Das Glass ist voll!
We got to run!
Wir müssen uns zurückziehen!

Nachrichten und Publizistik

Yes, gold has had a great run, but so, too, did worldwide housing prices until a couple of years ago.
Ja, mit Gold ist es prima gelaufen, aber bis vor ein paar Jahren war es auch mit weltweiten Immobilienpreisen so.
But, despite gold's heightened allure in the wake of an extraordinary run-up in its price, it remains a very risky bet for most of us.
Aber trotz seiner erhöhten Attraktivität im Gefolge einer außergewöhnlichen Preissteigerung, bleibt Gold für die meisten von uns eine sehr riskante Sache.
Devaluation of the dollar could improve US competitiveness in the short run, but it is not a solution.
Eine Abwertung des Dollars könnte die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der USA kurzfristig verbessern, aber das ist keine Lösung.
In the long run, America's growth pattern must undergo a structural shift from reliance on debt and consumption one based on Americans vaunted capacity for creativity and innovation.
Langfristig muss Amerikas Wachstumsmuster einer strukturellen Veränderung unterzogen werden - von der Abhängigkeit von Schulden und Konsum hin zu einem Wachstum, das auf der viel gepriesenen Kreativitäts- und Innovationsfähigkeit der Amerikaner beruht.
In the short run, the US current-account deficit will remain, regardless of which country runs bilateral surpluses.
Kurzfristig wird das US-Leistungsbilanzdefizit bleiben, unabhängig davon, welches Land bilaterale Überschüsse erwirtschaftet.
But his term ends next year and he cannot run again.
Nächstes Jahr allerdings endet seine Amtszeit und er darf nicht mehr kandidieren.
To revive growth, others must be encouraged to spend - governments that can still borrow should run larger deficits, and rock-bottom interest rates should discourage thrifty households from saving.
Um das Wachstum wiederzubeleben, müssen andere ermutigt werden, Geld auszugeben - Regierungen, die noch immer kreditwürdig sind, sollen ihre Defizite vergrößern, und niedrige Zinssätze sollen Haushalte vom Sparen abhalten.
Unfortunately, despite past stimulus, growth is still tepid, and it is increasingly difficult to find sensible new spending that can pay off in the short run.
Leider ist das Wachstum trotz bereits durchgeführter Anreize immer noch schwach, und es wird immer schwieriger, vernünftige und kurzfristig lohnenswerte neue Ausgabemöglichkeiten zu finden.
Countries that had been growing rapidly in the run-up to the great crash of 2008 typically had trade surpluses (or very small deficits).
Länder, die im Vorfeld des großen Crashs von 2008 ein hohes Wirtschaftswachstum erzielten, wiesen in der Regel Handelsüberschüsse (oder sehr kleine Defizite) auf.
In the past, this push was accommodated by the willingness of the US and a few other developed nations to run large trade deficits.
In der Vergangenheit wurde dieses Drängen von der Bereitschaft der USA und einiger anderer entwickelter Länder getragen, hohe Handelsdefizite anzuhäufen.
Why do Piemontese, Bavarians, or Scots need intermediate national bureaucracies to run their tax policies, welfare programs, securities laws, and the largely useless, duplicative armies?
Warum brauchen Piemontesen, Bayern oder Schotten eine Bürokratie auf nationaler Ebene für ihre Steuerpolitik, Wohlfahrtssysteme, Sicherheitsgesetze und die größtenteils nutzlosen, ihre Mängel lediglich vervielfachenden Armeen?
Wouldn't life be easier if a common market, currency, foreign policy, army, and a few other things were run on a Europe-wide basis, with the rest left to more meaningful local units?
Wäre das Leben nicht viel einfacher, wenn der gemeinsame Markt, die Währung, die Außenpolitik, eine Armee und ein paar andere Dinge auf der Gemeinschaftsebene verwaltet würden und der Rest sinnvolleren lokalen Behörden übertragen würde?
But an EU with 10 new members simply cannot be run as it has for decades.
Aber eine EU mit 10 neuen Mitgliedern kann einfach nicht mehr nach dem Muster der vergangenen Jahrzehnte geführt werden.
Meles will be sorely missed in Hargeisa, as he planned to run a Chinese-financed gas pipeline through Somaliland territory from the Ogaden to the coast.
In Hargeisa wird man Meles schmerzlich vermissen, da er eine von China finanzierte Gaspipeline aus dem Ogaden über das Territorium von Somaliland bis an die Küste plante.