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right Englisch

Bedeutung right Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch right?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


When something is right, it is correct. You did the right thing.


When something is to the right of a location, it means the direction 90º clockwise. He takes a right at the library. She made a right turn on Oak Street. When you have the right for something, it means that it is an activity allowed by status. You have the right to remain silent. Administrators on Wiktionary have the right to block users from editing. An action that is moral. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


When you turn something right, you turn it the right-side-up. He righted the boat. When you make something right, you correct it. He tried to right a wrong.


In the direction 90º clockwise. She turned right.


Recht an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people — Eleanor Roosevelt a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east he stood on the right rechts being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north my right hand right center field a right-hand turn the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream richtig, korrekt, einwandfrei (= correct) free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth the correct answer the correct version the right answer took the right road the right decision precisely, exactly stand right here! (= correct) socially right or correct it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye correct behavior immediately she called right after dinner (= flop) exactly he fell flop on his face in conformance with justice or law or morality do the right thing and confess the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right rechts, nach rechts toward or on the right; also used figuratively he looked right and left the party has moved right those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged an interjection expressing agreement (= properly, decent) in the right manner please do your job properly! can't you carry me decent? completely she felt right at home he fell right into the trap Rechte (= right hand) the hand that is on the right side of the body he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left hit him with quick rights to the body a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east take a right at the corner (= correct) correct in opinion or judgment time proved him right (= mighty, mightily, powerful) (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree the baby is mighty cute he's mighty tired it is powerful humid that boy is powerful big now they have a right nice place they rejoiced mightily (= rightfulness) anything in accord with principles of justice he feels he is in the right the rightfulness of his claim in accordance with moral or social standards that serves him right do right by him richtig, passend, angemessen (= proper) appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs everything in its proper place the right man for the job she is not suitable for the position rechtwinklig having the axis perpendicular to the base a right angle (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward the right side of the cloth showed the pattern be sure your shirt is right side out regain an upright or proper position The capsized boat righted again put in or restore to an upright position They righted the sailboat that had capsized make reparations or amends for right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust of or belonging to the political or intellectual right (= right-hand) intended for the right hand a right-hand glove in or into a satisfactory condition things are right again now put things right (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing mineral rights film rights (= correctly) in an accurate manner the flower had been correctly depicted by his son he guessed right in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure what's the right word for this? the right way to open oysters (= good, ripe) most suitable or right for a particular purpose a good time to plant tomatoes the right time to act the time is ripe for great sociological changes (= veracious) precisely accurate a veracious account ausbessern, korrigieren, richtigstellen, berichtigen, nachregeln (= correct, rectify) make right or correct Correct the mistakes rectify the calculation

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Wie konjugiert man right in Englisch?

right · Verb

Sätze right Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich right in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

I'll be back right away.
Ich werde bald zurück sein.
I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution.
Ich habe eine Lösung gefunden, aber ich habe sie so schnell gefunden, dass es nicht die richtige Lösung sein kann.
You really don't have the right priorities!
Du hast wirklich nicht die richtigen Prioritäten!
You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.
Du hast mir die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie es ist, wenn alles gut geht.
You're right.
Du hast Recht.
You are right.
Du hast Recht.
Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish.
Vielleicht hast du Recht, ich war egoistisch.
That's not quite right.
Das ist nicht ganz richtig.
It serves you right.
Das geschieht dir recht.
Who does not work, also does not have the right to eat.
Wer nicht arbeitet, hat kein Recht zu essen.
He who does not work does not have the right to eat.
Wer nicht arbeitet, hat kein Recht zu essen.
Turn right at the crossroad.
Biegen Sie an der Kreuzung rechts ab.
Turn right at the intersection.
Biegen Sie an der Kreuzung rechts ab.
You may as well withdraw from the club right away.
Du kannst genauso gut gleich aus dem Club austreten.


So this means that the creatures of Area 18 have fallen, right?
Cornelia hat mit nur einer Maschine.?!
Nanali, I'll clean it up right away, so stay right there.
Bleib wo du bist, Nunnally, ich raume das gleich auf!
Nanali, I'll clean it up right away, so stay right there.
Bleib wo du bist, Nunnally, ich raume das gleich auf!
It was a lie, right?
Das vorhin war gelogen, oder? Dass du von bosen Typen verfolgt wirst.
Are you busy right now?
Hast du mal kurz Zeit?
I wanted you to contact Sir Jeremiah, but it seems you probably won't, isn't that right?
Ich wollte eigentlich, class ihr euch mit Sir Jeremiah unterhaltet, aber das ist jetzt wohl der falsche Zeitpunkt.
Right. and your popularity will crash to the Earth.
Und weil er heimttickisch ermordet wurde, wird Zero zum Mairtyrer und dich werden sie hassen.
Right. How's his intelligence look?
Wie ist es mit den geistigen Reserven?
We hope this is the right spot.
Wir hoffen dieser ist der richtige Platz.
Looking at them we feel that this must be the right spot.
Uns daran sehen wir, dass wir hier ungefähr am richtigen Platz stehen.
In the telescope there was a clock that needed to be set right.
Im Teleskop gab es eine Uhr, die man stellen musste.
They're unfortunately right.
Leider ist das wahr.
Ach so!
Is he right?
Hat er Recht oder nicht?

Nachrichten und Publizistik

But gold bugs are right to worry about whether the government will honor its commitments under more extreme circumstances.
Aber die Goldbugs machen sich zu Recht Sorgen, ob die Regierung ein derartiges Engagement unter extremeren Umständen würdigte.
But even Charles de Gaulle, a resistance leader of the right, had to accept Communists in his first postwar government, and he agreed to nationalize industries and banks.
Aber sogar Charles de Gaulle, ein Anführer des Widerstands der Rechten, musste in seiner ersten Nachkriegsregierung Kommunisten akzeptieren und er stimmte zu, Industriebetriebe und Banken zu verstaatlichen.
The rise of right-wing populism reflects revived yearnings for pure national communities that keep immigrants and minorities out.
Der Aufstieg des rechten Populismus ist Ausdruck einer wiederbelebten Sehnsucht nach rein nationalen Gemeinschaften, aus denen Einwanderer und Minderheiten ferngehalten werden.
In other words, liberty is not the right of individuals to define their own lives, but the right of the state to restrict individual freedom in the name of a security that only the state can define.
Anders ausgedrückt ist Freiheit nicht das persönliche Recht des Einzelnen, über sein eigenes Leben zu bestimmen, sondern das Recht des Staates, die individuelle Freiheit im Namen einer Sicherheit einzuschränken, die nur der Staat definieren kann.
In other words, liberty is not the right of individuals to define their own lives, but the right of the state to restrict individual freedom in the name of a security that only the state can define.
Anders ausgedrückt ist Freiheit nicht das persönliche Recht des Einzelnen, über sein eigenes Leben zu bestimmen, sondern das Recht des Staates, die individuelle Freiheit im Namen einer Sicherheit einzuschränken, die nur der Staat definieren kann.
Reducing deficits in order to raise the debt ceiling was the right thing to do, but the August 2 law does it in the wrong way.
Ein Abbau der Defizite zur Anhebung der Schuldengrenze war richtig, aber das Gesetz vom 2. August geht diesen falsch an.
Iran claims that as a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it has the right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.
Iran behauptet, dass es als Partei des Nichtverbreitungsvertrages (NPT) das Recht hat, Uran für friedliche Zwecke anzureichern.
Iran may ask what right others have to demand that it forego nuclear weapons.
Iran könnte fragen, welches Recht andere haben zu fordern, dass es auf Atomwaffen verzichtet.
But is the Gates affair the right way to enter into this discussion?
Aber ist die Gates-Affäre wirklich der richtige Weg, um in diese Diskussion einzusteigen?
This is Manicheanism of the left, and, like Manicheanism of the political right, it can distort reality to the point of becoming divorced from it.
Dies ist linker Manichäismus, und genau wie der Manichäismus der politischen Rechten kann er die Wirklichkeit bis zur Abspaltung von der Realität verzerren.
In this way, both the Israelis and the Palestinians share a secret fear - for some, a belief - that each has no intention of accepting the other's right to a country of their own.
So haben Israelis und Palästinenser eine gemeinsame geheime Angst - für manche ist es auch eine Überzeugung: dass nämlich niemand beabsichtigt, das Recht des jeweils anderen auf einen eigenen Staat zu akzeptieren.
Perhaps they are right.
Vielleicht haben sie damit recht.
If the advanced-country scenario is right, many developing countries will lose out and experience sharply diminished growth.
Wenn das Szenario für die Industrieländer zutrifft, werden viele Entwicklungsländer Verluste erleiden und ein deutlich reduziertes Wachstum erleben.
They will agree that our ability to distinguish right from wrong is something precious that we should safeguard, not a broken clock that scientists should fix.
Sie werden zustimmen, dass unsere Fähigkeit zwischen Recht und Unrecht unterscheiden zu können etwas Kostbares ist, das es zu schützen gilt, und keine kaputte Uhr, die Wissenschaftler reparieren sollten.

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