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even Englisch

Bedeutung even Bedeutung

Was beudeutet auf Englisch even?
In einfachem Englisch erklärt


You use even to focus on the most surprising or unlikely case. With preposition phrases: Even in peaceful countries, there are problems. She felt a lot of pain walking even though she was only in her thirties. They told us the manager isn't there, even though we can see her through the window. Even if they don't know you, they will still talk to you. I never liked chocolate, not even when I was young. Even with Denver's slow start, they are likely to win. With noun phrases: Everyone walks to school here, even the teachers. Not even the world's fastest runner can run that fast. Even a quick look tells you there's a lot to learn. Anyone with even basic internet search skills can find you. With adjective phrases: She didn't tell me about it and I expect she wasn't even aware of it. This is not a small problem, and it will likely become even more important in the near future. I just hope I don't get lost, and I'm not even really sure of my bus number. The last few years have been difficult, but now she may face an even greater challenge. It will be very difficult for him, even dangerous. With verb phrases: Our progress was not rewarded. In fact, it was not even mentioned. I don't even know who you are. It's so cheap, you don't even have to bring money. He can't even go back and look for it. We might even make some money if we work hard. With adverb phrases (rarely): He won't lose his job, not even temporarily. With so: I hid it in the books where nobody would look. Even so, I worried about it all evening.


If things are even, the top or surface of each is as high as the others. The top of the wall is even because the bricks are all the same size. If a number is even, it can be divided into 2 equal parts. 2, 4, 6 and 8 are even numbers. 1, 3, 5 and 7 are not even numbers; they are odd numbers.


If you even something (out/up), you reduce the ups and downs; you make it smooth or equal. India was leading 2-1, but Australia evened the score in the last minute. The makeup evens out your skin tone without adding color. If you even a problem out, you solve it. I went down and evened it all out. Everyone's happy now.


sogar, auch, selbst used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected even an idiot knows that declined even to consider the idea I don't have even a dollar! in spite of; notwithstanding even when he is sick, he works even with his head start she caught up with him noch (= yet, still) to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons looked sick and felt even worse an even (or still) more interesting problem still another problem must be solved a yet sadder tale gerade divisible by two (= fifty-fifty) equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced even amounts of butter and sugar on even terms it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance an even fight being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with) an even application of varnish an even floor the road was not very even the picture is even with the window to the full extent loyal even unto death (= regular) occurring at fixed intervals a regular beat the even rhythm of his breathing (= regular) symmetrically arranged even features regular features a regular polygon make even or more even (= even out) become even or more even even out the surface (= tied) of the score in a contest the score is tied Abend (= evening) the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall) he enjoyed the evening light across the lake ebnen (= level) make level or straight level the ground

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even · Verb

Sätze even Beispielsätze

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Einfache Sätze

I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme.
Ich will meine Ideen nicht verlieren, selbst wenn einige von ihnen ein bisschen extrem sind.
Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.
Obwohl er sich entschuldigt hat, bin ich immer noch wütend.
You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you.
Du könntest zumindest versuchen, ein bisschen höflicher zu sein, auch wenn das nicht in deiner Natur liegt.
Don't you even think of eating my chocolate!
Denk nicht mal dran, meine Schokolade zu essen!
What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?
Was glauben Sie ist wahr, obwohl Sie es nicht beweisen können?
Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.
Primzahlen sind wie das Leben, sie sind völlig logisch, aber es ist unmöglich, Regeln für sie zu finden, selbst wenn man seine ganze Zeit dem Nachdenken darüber widmet.
The formation and movement of hurricanes are capricious, even with our present-day technology.
Bildung und Bewegung von Hurrikanen sind unberechenbar, sogar mit unserer modernen Technologie.
Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to.
Die meisten Leute haben große Unlust, früh aufzustehen, selbst wenn sie es müssen.
Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.
Sogar Leute, die nicht an die katholische Kirche glauben, verehren den Papst als ein symbolisches Oberhaupt.
Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union.
Sogar jetzt, viele Jahre nach dem Kalten Krieg, ist immer noch viel Verbitterung zwischen Russen und Deutschen, besonders in Gebieten, die einst von der Sowjetunion besetzt waren.
Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union.
Sogar jetzt, viele Jahre nach dem Kalten Krieg, ist immer noch viel Verbitterung zwischen Russen und Deutschen, besonders in Gebieten, die einst von der Sowjetunion besetzt waren.
Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences.
Selbst wenn deine Sätze tatsächlich sinnfrei waren, hast du zumindest das Glück, schöne Sätze bilden zu können.
Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime.
Obwohl er seine Haftstrafe im Gefängnis abgesessen hatte, verzieh die Öffentlichkeit dem Mörder sein Verbrechen nie ganz.
The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent.
Der Zeitungsartikel beschrieb den Angeklagten wie einen Schuldigen, obwohl er erwiesenermaßen unschuldig war.


I was planning to do this even without it.
Ich hatte es auch ohne sie versucht.
Even if you say the military, it's only a small portion of it.
Ja, aber nur ein winzig kleiner Teil der Armee.
Being together is even more dangerous.
Zusammen ist es noch gefahrlicher.
Are you even Japanese?!
Das soll ein Japaner sein?
On top of me not even being aware, I have been acting extremely rude to you.
Bitte verzeiht mir, ich habe euch nicht erkannt!
Even to Suzaku and Nanali.
Sogar Suzaku und Nunnally.
He's even having Diethard and Rakshata standing by.
Sogar Diethard und Rakshata sind in Bereitschaft.
Even though the cameras are off.
Die Kameras sind doch ausgeschaltet.
That could take several minutes or even longer.
Das kann einige Minuten dauern, vielleicht sogar länger.
Thanks to this discovery he established his name even more so, which helped him pursue his plans for further research on the Milky Way Galaxy in collaboration with institutions abroad.
Gerade dadurch hat er noch mehr Anerkennung bekommen und hat er mehr vertrauen in seine Pläne eingebaut, um weitere Forschungen des Milchstraßensystems anzustellen in Zusammenarbeit mit ausländischen Instituten.
It then drops a bit, rises again to an even higher maximum and finally drops back to zero.
Dann fällt es wieder etwas, und steigt es bis zu einem größeren Maximum, und dann fällt es wieder nach Null.
Take them all! - Even the women?
Nehmt alles mit!
And the population even harder.
Und vor allem die Bevölkerung! Ich weiß.
I don't even know if Odilon loves me.
Ich weiß nicht mal, ob Odilon mich liebt.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

Now, emboldened by continuing appreciation, some are suggesting that gold could be headed even higher than that.
Beflügelt aufgrund des anhaltenden Aufwärtstrends, meint man nun mancherorts, dass Gold sogar noch höher steigen könnte.
Even the United States abrogated indexation clauses in bond contracts during the Great Depression of the 1930's. So it can happen anywhere.
Sogar in den Vereinigten Staaten wurden während der Großen Depression der 1930er Jahre die Indexklauseln aus Anleiheverträgen gestrichen. Das kann also überall passieren.
Even so, the fact that very high inflation is possible does not make it probable, so one should be cautious in arguing that higher gold prices are being driven by inflation expectations.
Aber selbst wenn eine sehr hohe Inflation möglich ist, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie auch wahrscheinlich ist. Man sollte daher mit der Argumentation vorsichtig sein, wonach höhere Goldpreise von Inflationserwartungen angetrieben seien.
After all, gold pays no interest and even costs something to store.
Schließlich bringt Gold keine Zinsen und die Lagerung kostet sogar etwas.
Today, the mood is much grimmer, with references to 1929 and 1931 beginning to abound, even if some governments continue to behave as if the crisis was more classical than exceptional.
Heute ist die Stimmung wesentlich trostloser und Bezüge auf die Jahre 1929 und 1931 beginnen sichtbar zu werden, auch wenn einige Regierungen sich weiterhin so verhalten als sei die Krise eher klassisch als außergewöhnlich.
Everyone seems to be a loser, even if some are more affected than others.
Jeder scheint ein Verlierer zu sein, auch wenn einige stärker betroffen sind als andere.
That is why the war's great hero, Winston Churchill, was voted out of office in the summer of 1945, even before Japan surrendered.
Aus diesem Grund wurde auch der große Held des Krieges, Winston Churchill, im Sommer 1945, noch vor der Kapitulation Japans, als Premierminister abgewählt.
But even Charles de Gaulle, a resistance leader of the right, had to accept Communists in his first postwar government, and he agreed to nationalize industries and banks.
Aber sogar Charles de Gaulle, ein Anführer des Widerstands der Rechten, musste in seiner ersten Nachkriegsregierung Kommunisten akzeptieren und er stimmte zu, Industriebetriebe und Banken zu verstaatlichen.
In Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the US attitude entirely, the government introduced similar measures and even offered a new theory.
In Großbritannien, wo Premierminister Tony Blair die Haltung der USA vollkommen unterstützte, hat die Regierung ähnliche Maßnahmen ergriffen und sogar eine neue Theorie angeboten.
Even in the absence of international rules, the EU and the US could take two actions to ensure that the TTIP does not have adverse consequences for developing economies.
Aber auch in Ermangelung internationaler Regeln, könnten die EU und die USA zwei Maßnahmen ergreifen, die sicherstellen, dass das THIP keine nachteiligen Auswirkungen für Entwicklungsländer hat.
But their resistance to recognizing problems at home runs even deeper.
Aber ihr Widerstand gegen die Aufbereitung von Problemen zuhause reicht noch tiefer.
It thus seemed to make sense that even in the eurozone, banking supervision remained largely national.
Es schien sinnvoll zu sein, dass auch in der Eurozone die Bankenaufsicht überwiegend in nationaler Hand blieb.
Yet in all probability he would have been even more deeply disappointed in the inability of the Palestinians to come to terms with the existence of the Jewish state.
Und doch dürfte er wahrscheinlich noch ungehaltener über die Unfähigkeit der Palästinenser gewesen sein, sich mit der Existenz des jüdischen Staates abzufinden.
Getting seed and fertilizer to smallholder farmers at highly subsidized prices (or even free in some cases) will make a lasting difference.
Lässt man den Kleinbauern Saatgut und Düngemittel zu hoch subventionierten Preisen (oder in manchen Fällen sogar kostenlos) zukommen, so wird dies einen bleibenden Unterschied machen.

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