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If you close something, you change it from being open to not open. She watched TV for a while, and then closed her eyes. He left the room and softly closed the door behind him. He opened his mouth and closed it again without saying anything. If something closes, it goes out of business for a short time or permanently. The supermarket closes at 5 o'clock on Saturday. Sadly, we have decided to close the shop. If the distance or time between two different things closes, they get closer together. The government will use the $15 million to close a budget gap. With only three games left in the season, Milan is closing in on Hamburg. The storm was closing in, and she wanted to get home. If something closes, it ends. The book closes with the man alone in the house where he started. I'd like to close this talk by asking for your help. If a stock, bond, or currency closes at a certain price, it is at the price at the end of the trading day. The EAP Emerging Growth Fund lost half a dollar, closing at just over $38. Again today, cigarette company stocks closed up. If you close a deal/sale/contract, both people make a final agreement. It took five months, many phone calls, and an extra $89,000 to close the deal. If you close up, you stop talking about something. Every time I asked about the cost everybody would close right up.


When two things are close, they are near each other; the distance or time between them is small. The bank is close to the store. I walk to my university because it is very close. It's close to nine o'clock. Closer to the end, I'll come and get you. Put it close to the door. If two people are close, they have a good relationship, like friends, family or lovers. She was quite close to her dad before he died. If a game or contest is close, you can't easily see which side is better. The race has been very close up until now. If two things are close, they are similar. This is the closest thing I could find to that colour. Close range/contact/ties etc. is near, not far. They tell us the gun was fired at close range. Most Norwegians live in close contact with the wilderness, the sea, the mountains, or the forests. A close look or close attention means you pay careful attention. Keep a close eye on the money. In a close game/race/competition, etc., the difference between the scores/times/abilities, etc is small. One or two points can win or lose a close race . The winner earned 13.8 percent of the vote, but she was a close second (13.5 percent). If something was close, something bad/dangerous/embarrassing, etc. almost happened. Wow, that was close. She almost saw us. Thirty years ago this week, our country had a very close call.


The close of something is the end. I will be surprised if the company is still running by close of business tomorrow. The book was written around the close of the 14th century. As our first week came to a close, we were getting very tired.


If you are close to something, you are not far away from it. She left an hour ago, and he was very close behind. I like to keep my phone close at hand so I can get it quickly. They stood close together.


at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other close to noon how close are we to town? a close formation of ships schließen, zumachen (= shut) move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut Close the door shut the window close in relevance or relationship a close family we are close sympathy with... close kin a close resemblance become closed The windows closed with a loud bang (= close up) cease to operate or cause to cease operating The owners decided to move and to close the factory My business closes every night at 8 P.M. close up the shop (= near, nigh) near in time or place or relationship as the wedding day drew near stood near the door don't shoot until they come near getting near to the true explanation her mother is always near The end draws nigh the bullet didn't come close don't get too close to the fire finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.) The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board Ende (= stopping point, finish) the temporal end; the concluding time the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell the market was up at the finish they were playing better at the close of the season nah, nahe (= near) not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances near neighbors in the near future they are near equals his nearest approach to success a very near thing a near hit by the bomb she was near tears she was close to tears had a close call in an attentive manner he remained close on his guard rigorously attentive; strict and thorough close supervision paid close attention a close study kept a close watch on expenditures treu (= faithful) marked by fidelity to an original a close translation a faithful copy of the portrait a faithful rendering of the observed facts (= tight) (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched a close contest a close election a tight game come to a close The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin crowded close quarters complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement We closed on the house on Friday They closed the deal on the building (= tight) of textiles a close weave smooth percale with a very tight weave bar access to Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours fill or stop up Can you close the cracks with caulking? engage at close quarters close with the enemy cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact draw near The probe closed with the space station (= come together) come together, as if in an embrace Her arms closed around her long lost relative bring together all the elements or parts of Management closed ranks inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it be priced or listed when trading stops The stock market closed high this Friday My new stocks closed at $59 last night used of hair or haircuts a close military haircut (= close-fitting) fitting closely but comfortably a close fit confined to specific persons a close secret strictly confined or guarded kept under close custody finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning (= airless, stuffy) lacking fresh air a dusty airless attic the dreadfully close atmosphere hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke Finale (= finale) the concluding part of any performance (= cheeseparing, near, penny-pinching) giving or spending with reluctance our cheeseparing administration very close (or near) with his money a penny-pinching miserly old man (= close up) unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of close the circuit close a wound close a book close up an umbrella (= conclusion) the last section of a communication in conclusion I want to say...

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Sätze close Beispielsätze

Wie benutze ich close in einem englischen Satz?

Einfache Sätze

How many close friends do you have?
Wie viele enge Freunde hast du?
Close the door when you leave.
Schließ beim Hinausgehen die Türe.
Close the door on your way out.
Schließ beim Hinausgehen die Türe.
How many close friends do you have?
Wie viele enge Freunde haben Sie?
Close the door when you leave.
Schließe beim Hinausgehen die Tür!
Please will you close the door when you go out.
Schließen Sie bitte die Tür, wenn Sie hinausgehen.
The vacation is close to an end.
Der Urlaub ist fast vorbei.
That was a close call.
Das war knapp!
I'm cold. May I close the window?
Mir ist kalt. Darf ich das Fenster zumachen?
We have to bring the matter to a close.
Wir müssen die Angelegenheit zu einem Abschluss bringen.
What time does it close?
Wann schließt es?
You had better hurry because the banks will close soon.
Du solltest dich besser beeilen: die Banken schließen bald.
You had better hurry because the banks will close soon.
Du solltest dich besser beeilen; denn die Banken schließen bald.
You had better hurry because the banks will close soon.
Du solltest dich besser beeilen, weil die Banken bald zumachen.


I didn't want to sound the alarm by getting too close.
Ich wollte mich nicht zu sehr nähern.
They should close the valve.
Dreht ihnen den Hahn ab!
We're not close anymore.
Wir sind nicht mehr befreundet.
Keep a close watch on all of those cyborgs.
Lasst sie nicht aus den Augen.
That was close.
Das war knapp!
There's nothing we can do. We can't get close to him.
Wir können nichts tun, wenn wir nicht näher rankommen.
You'd think I'd get some satisfaction out of that, but I don't because nothing. No sentence, no punishment, no revenge, could ever come close to making up for what you've done.
Du denkst vielleicht, ich ziehe daraus eine gewisse Befriedigung, tue ich aber nicht, weil nichts. keine Verurteilung, keine Strafe, keine Vergeltung jemals das ausgleicht, was du mir angetan hast.
Mr. Yquem has had to close the office a little earlier today, Madam.
Herr Yquem hat das Bureau heute ein wenig früher schließen lassen, gnädigste Frau.
The night is short, dawn is close!
Komm doch, mein süßer!
Let us hurry, the night is short, dawn is close!
O lass uns eilen, kurz ist die Nacht und der Morgen nah!
The night is short, dawn is close.
Kurz ist die Nacht und der Morgen nah.
But there are also confessions, which might very well be close to the truth, namely during the times when superstition ruled.
Aber es gibt auch Geständnisse, die sehr wohl der Wahrheit nahe sein könnten, und zwar zu der Zeit als Aberglaube herrschte.
It was close to midnight.
Es ging auf Mitternacht zu.
Stay close, I'll need you.
Hier, ich brauche es nachher.

Nachrichten und Publizistik

One thing to be learned, if we didn't know this already, is how close racial sensitivities are to the surface of US life, despite the election of a black president.
Eines ist aus den Ereignissen jedenfalls zu lernen, wenn es nicht ohnehin schon bekannt ist: Wie leicht nämlich ethnisch bedingte Befindlichkeiten im täglichen Leben der USA trotz der Wahl eines schwarzen Präsidenten hochkochen.
When Sarkozy, who otherwise has such finely tuned media instincts, protests that he's no different from any other man, he comes dangerously close to confusing the office and the person of the president.
Wenn Sarkozy mit seiner ansonsten so feinen Antenne für die Medien sich beschwert, er sei kein Bisschen anders als andere Männer, so ist er gefährlich nahe daran, Amt und Person des Präsidenten miteinander zu verwechseln.
Many other rich countries' debt levels are also uncomfortably close to 150-year highs, despite relative peace in much of the world.
Auch die Schuldenstände vieler anderer Länder liegen inzwischen ungemütlich nahe an ihren höchsten Werten seit 150 Jahren, und dies, obwohl es in weiten Teilen der Welt relativ friedlich zugeht.
As 2003 draws to a close, it is time for world leaders to help guide the world away from the obsessive, failing approach of America's government.
Jetzt, da sich das Jahr 2003 seinem Ende zuneigt, ist es Zeit für die politischen Führer, der Welt zu helfen, sich von der besessenen, zum Scheitern verurteilten Politik der amerikanischen Regierung abzuwenden.
The Americans want full EU membership for Turkey--a longstanding NATO member and close American ally--while Europeans complain about the Turkish military's domestic political role.
Die USA wollen die volle EU-Mitgliedschaft für die Türkei langjähriges NATO-Mitglied und enger amerikanischer Verbündeter während sich die Europäer über die innenpolitische Rolle des türkischen Militärs beklagen.
Policy interest rates are close to zero in the major economies in the developed world, and outsize budget deficits are the norm.
Die Leitzinssätze liegen in den bedeutendsten Ökonomien der industrialisierten Welt nahe Null und gewaltige Haushaltsdefizite sind die Norm.
But, even if that could be achieved, it would close the trade gap only for as long as Greek prices remained competitive.
Aber selbst wenn man das erreichen könnte, würde sich die Kluft in der Handelsbilanz nur so lange schließen, wie die griechischen Preise wettbewerbsfähig blieben.
At the other end, conservatism in many European countries has historically veered too close for comfort to right-wing extremism.
Auf der anderen Seite ist der Konservatismus historisch in vielen Ländern Europas zu sehr in die Nähe der extremen Rechten gerückt.
Bolivia's 1988 buyback of close to half of its defaulted sovereign debt, an operation funded by international donors, is a classic example.
Ein klassisches Beispiel ist der bolivianische Rückkauf von fast der Hälfte der notleidenden Staatsschulden des Landes im Jahr 1988, finanziert von internationalen Geldgebern.
For the left and the Greens, he is close to being a traitor.
Für die Linken und die Grünen ist er fast ein Verräter.
And events there, including the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, have a broader impact that naturally entails the close involvement of global partners - first and foremost the United States.
Und was in diesen Ländern passiert, einschließlich des israelisch-palästinensischen Friedensprozesses, hat eine Breitenwirkung, die natürlich die enge Beteiligung weltweiter Partner bedingt - an erster Stelle der USA.
Even after Tamerlan had died, and Dzhokhar, already wounded, was the only known fugitive, the Boston authorities decided to close down the entire city.
Sogar nach dem Tod von Tamerlan, als sein Bruder Dzhokhar verwundet und der einzige bekannte Mittäter auf der Flucht war, riegelten die Bostoner Behörden noch die gesamte Stadt ab.
The fact that the UK was situated so close to powers like Germany and Russia made matters even more challenging.
Die Lage Großbritanniens in der Nähe von Mächten wie Deutschland und Russland erschwerte seine Lage zusätzlich.
The reality is the opposite: for several reasons, growth will slow further in the second half of 2012 and be even lower in 2013 - close to stall speed.
Die Wirklichkeit sieht anders aus: Aus verschiedenen Gründen wird sich das Wachstum im zweiten Halbjahr 2012 abschwächen und 2013 fast zum Erliegen kommen.

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